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❤️Secret Soulmate Chat❤️

RH(RacingHeart): Hi

BR(BleedingRose): Hello

RH: So, by the image in your profile and your username, do you like flowers?

BR: Yes, especially red roses. What about you?

RH: Yeah, I love going to the floral garden near my house.

BR: Really? That sounds lovely.

RH: It is, there's so many colorful flowers, all kinds of trees, and exotic plants. There's even a cherry blossom tree that's gonna bloom in a couple of months.

BR: I wish I could see that. It sounds like a dream come true.

RH: You never know, maybe I could take you there someday?

BR: Maybe

RH: ........

BR: ........

BR: Sorry, I just don't know what to say. I've never done this sort of thing before.

RH: It's okay, neither have I. We just have to get to know each other first. Then you'll feel a little more comfortable.

BR: Okay, thanks for the understanding.

RH: No problem, so your profile says you like sweets and baking. Anything specific dessert you like to make?

(A few hours later)

RH: So do you prefer the Hunger Games movie or book?

BR: Definitely the book, it's so well written. But the movies not bad.

RH: I'm not a huge book reader but I thought it was worth a read and watch.

BR: Man, I didn't realize how much time has gone by. I have to go.

RH: Aw, really? I've been having a great time talking to you.

BR: I have too. I wish we could keep talking.

RH: How about you text me when you're free and then we'll talk some more?

BR: Okay, I'll talk to you later.

RH: I hope so🙂 Bye

Sonic logged out of his app with a smile. 'I know we just started talking but, I feel a real connection with this guy.' Sonic thought.

Suddenly there was a knock on his bedroom door. "Sonic? You still alive in there?" Tails voice asked.

"Yeah! Come in!" Sonic chuckled.

The door opened and Tails walked in. "You've been in here for hours! I don't think I've ever seen you in one spot for this long." Tails said.

"I know, I've been talking to my match on Secret Soulmate. I think I've made a real connection with this guy." Sonic said happy.

"That's awesome Sonic! What's he like?" Tails asked.

"He's seems really sweet and sounds so innocent. He loves sweets, flowers, and reading books. He said that he's never been in a relationship before so he was kinda hesitant when he was talking to me at first. But I can tell he's more comfortable texting me now." Sonic explained.

"You're really crazy about this guy huh?" Tails said.

"A little, it is my first relationship. And we did talk for a few hours." Sonic said blushing.

"Does it seem like he feels the same way about you?" Tails asked.

"I think so, he sounded sincere. And when he had to go, he said he wanted to keep talking to me."

"That's nice, do you know anything else about him?"

For the rest of the day, Sonic talked and talked about his new potential partner. Tails was happy for his brother as he listened to the excitement in his voice.

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