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(A few weeks later)

Sonic and his secret soulmate boyfriend have gotten more connected. He spent more time on his phone than running! He was so happy to have someone like him.

Sonic was walking into a coffee shop to meet Tails and Knuckles. Sonic saw them at the table  and sat with them.

"Hey guys." He greeted.

"Glad to see you're still alive. All you do is text your secret soulmate." Tails chuckled.

"Wait, you're on that dumb dating app too? Rouge won't stop talking about it to me." Knuckles started rolling his eyes.

"Cause she's trying to make you jealous Knux." Sonic answered.

"Anyway, why are you on that app? I thought you didn't want to date. You're always avoiding Amy and all she wants is you." Knuckles asked.

"I never said I didn't want to date, I said that I don't want Amy. Trust me, she's not my type." Sonic replied.

"And your mystery babe is?" Knuckles asked.

"Knuckles leave him alone. Worry about the only girl who has ever gave you any attention." Tails snapped.

"Nice one buddy!" Sonic laughed.

"Like you have any room to talk Tails. You've been crushing on Cosmo for years and still don't have the guts to ask her out." Knuckles rebuttals.

"Whatever Knuckles, at least I'm not too proud to ask out Rouge while she's waving a dating app in your face." Tails strikes back.

"Okay you two, cool down. I thought we came here to just chill." Sonic spoke.

"Fine, then tell us about your girl on your app. What's her name?" Knuckles asked.

"I don't know, the app doesn't allow names to be said until the you can meet them in person at their gathering event in a month." Sonic explained.

"Then how do you know what she looks like?" Knuckles asked.

"I don't, that's the point. You get to know each other first and then meet." Sonic added.

"And you've been texting this girl for how long?" Knuckles asked.

"A few weeks, about a month. It seems longer though." Sonic answered.

"Why are you interrogating him Knuckles?" Tails asked.

"Just a little curious, not like I got much to talk about myself. So how much do you know about this chick?" Knuckles asked.

"I kinda wanna know some stuff too. You're always texting this person and you've never told me any specifics about hi-her." Tails corrected.

Thankfully Knuckles was too dense to catch his almost big mistake.

"She's very kind and has one heck of a sweet tooth. Her favorite dessert is a chocolate cupcake with peanut butter frosting. And-"

"Hey Sonic!" A voice called.

Sonic cringed and sighed. "Hey Amy." He greeted.

"What brings you here?" Tails asked.

"I was just taking a walk and saw you two and my Sonic in the window." Amy spoke as he sat next to Sonic. "So what are we talking about?"

"Sonic's new digital girlfriend." Knuckles revealed.

Sonic's eyes widened and gave Knuckles a death glare.

"What! You're cheating on me?!" Amy exclaimed.

"I'm not cheating if we were never a thing Amy. We've been over this. The reason I am dating someone else is because you are more of a sister than a girlfriend. That's what I keep saying." Sonic calmly explained without lashing out at Knuckles.

"Come on Sonic! I'm the only girl you need. Just go on one date with me and you'll see we're meant to be together." Amy persuaded.

"No Amy, I'm sorry. You need to move on!" Sonic finished and stood from his chair.

"Where are you going Sonic?" Tails asked.

"I'm going for a run. I'll see you at home." Sonic spoke to Tails and left the coffee shop.

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