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(Earlier today with Shadow and Rouge)

Shadow walked out of the bathroom and walked into his room. He was drying his head quills from his shower. He peeked at his clock and it read 12:30.

Shadow was growing more nervous as the time to meet his new partner face to face. He threw his towel aside and grabbed a quill brush.

"You almost ready hun?" A voice asked.

Shadow turned around while he was brushing his quills.

It was Rouge.

"Almost, I just need to brush my quills and then I'm off." He said trying to reach his back quills.

"Here, I got it." Rouge said and grabbed the brush out of Shadow's hand. "Sit." She said as she pointed to the bed.

Shadow sat on the bed and turned his head for Rouge.

Rouge started gently brushing out his back head quills. "Sooooo, How ya feeling about meeting your Prince Charming?" Rouge asked.

"Usually I'd get onto about calling him Prince Charming but I think you might be right this time. I'm nervous beyond believe but I'm happy." Shadow answered.

"That's great hun, I'm so happy for you. But when you two start going out on dates, it better not interfere with our movie nights."

"I promise it won't, I like our movie nights."

"Good, because I'm done." Rouge said and picked up a mirror for Shadow.

Shadow made sure that his quills were perfect. "Thanks for the help." As he checked his clock again. "I still have time, so why don't you tell me why your not meeting your match today?"

"Well..*sigh* because there was no match. I never actually created an account. I just downloaded it to make Knuckles jealous enough to ask me out. And to encourage you to us it." Rouge confessed.

"Yeah, I kind of expected that when you never told me about your so called match. But in a way, I have to thank you for pushing me to download it." Shadow said as he stood up.

"Then your welcome. Now go meet your boyfriend." Rouge said.

Shadow smiled and left.

(An hour later)

Rouge was sitting on the couch and watching T.V.

Suddenly the front door slammed open and a flash of light zoomed to Shadow's room. Then his door closed.

Rouge gave a confused face and stood up. She walked to Shadow's door and put her ear to it. She heard quiet weeping. So she decided to knock. "Shadow? Are you okay?" She asked.

Shadow didn't answer.

Rouge opened the door and saw Shadow lying on his bed, face down on his pillow. She sat on the edge of the bed and then saw tear drops on his pillow. "Shadow, tell me what happened. Why are you so upset?"

"I want to be alone Rouge." He sniffled.

"Sorry hun, but I'm not gonna leave my best friend like this. So either tell me what happened or I'll have to pry it out of ya."

Shadow took his face out of the pillow to reveal a tear stained muzzle.

Rouge saw this and started to stroke Shadow's back. "It was your Soulmate guy wasn't it? Did he hurt you? Touch you? What happened?"

"I-It was Sonic, Rouge."

"Is this about what Sonic said to you? That was a month ago and-....oh, your soulmate was Sonic, wasn't he?"

Shadow nodded as more tears came to his eyes. "He embarrassed me in front of everyone. H-He screamed in my face, he said I hacked his account as a joke, and..."

"Shhhhh, it's gonna be okay. I swear, the next time I see that hedgehog..." Rouge sneered. She continued to comfort Shadow.

Then there was a knock at the door....

(Current time with Sonic)

Sonic had headed home and isolated himself in his room. Tears streamed down his face as he gripped his fists in anger. 'I'm so stupid! My only chance to get a boyfriend that loved the real me instead of the great hero of Mobius and I blew it!' He thought.

There was a knock at his door.

"Tails, can I please have a minute alone?" He asked.

"Sonic, I know you that you want to be alone but, you might want to come see this." Tails voice said through the door.

Sonic groaned in annoyance and stood up. He wiped away his tears and opened his door. "What is it Tails?" He asked.

Tails motioned him to the living room and un-pauses the TV.

The channel was on the Mobius News.

"Good afternoon Mobius, I'm Scarlet Fox with the Mobius News. I have a breaking news story about the beloved hero of Mobius, Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic had attended the Secret Soulmate Gathering Event sponsored by the new blind dating app Secret Soulmate. Mobius's hero had then been seen screaming and making wild accusations at his long standing rival Shadow the Hedgehog. This resulted in Shadow leaving the premises. Witnesses have stated that the app must have matched them together. Witnesses have also posted videos of the incident online.

A video of Sonic screaming at Shadow started to play.

Sonic looked down and gripped his head quills.

Tails watched him in a little shock and watched the rest of the video.

Which raises a question about Sonic the Hedgehog. Is our crime fighting hero of Mobius a homosexual? Or was this all a set up by the hero's rival? We will update the issue once we have further details. Until then, I'm Scarlet Fox. Mobius News.

Tails turned off the TV and looked at Sonic. "What happened Sonic?"

"I-I don't know...M-My anxiety got harder to handle and then I-I saw Shadow. I thought it was all a set up and I blamed him for the whole thing! I just got really mad and I don't know why!" Sonic exclaimed in anger. "B-But then I realized t-that I....I-I actually have feelings for him...I-I love him Tails and I screwed everything up!"

Tails gave him another shocked look but he also felt bad for him.

"And now all of Mobius knows that I'm gay! That was the one thing I didn't want anyone to know until I had a stable relationship with a guy and explain it to the media very carefully."

"Okay, So the world knows your gay? Than embrace it! I've expected you as you are! If others don't then there not your really friends or fans! You're free to be you now and while you're embracing it, go apologize to Shadow. Maybe he'll understand?" Tails suggested.

"I tried! He said he was done with me and if I tried to talk to him again today he'll file a restraining order against me! B-But I can't stop thinking about him Tails!" Sonic freaked out.

Tails racked his brain trying to think of a solution. "What about-"

"Tails, thank you for talking to me about this and excepting me for who I am but...I don't think this can be fixed. I'm just destined to be the lonely gay hero forever." Sonic interrupted.

"Don't say that Sonic, you'll find someone-"

"But I don't want just anyone! I-I want.....I want Shadow..."

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