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Sonic ran and ran to try and calm himself down. Till finally he arrived in the same vacant field and collapsed to his knees. His eyes filled with tears as he pulled out Shadow's Bleeding Rose heart necklace. "Why did this have to happen?" He cried.

Sonic remembered Shadow's look he gave him. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his talks with Bleeding Rose. But he imagined Shadow talking instead. He read the conversation about him needing support have someone hurt his feelings. "Did I hurt him that badly?" Sonic asked himself.

Then Sonic went back further and saw the beginning of their relationship. The secrets that they shared, the topics they talked about, and the emotions they were feeling for each other. As Sonic put the words of the one he fell in loved with Shadow's face, his heart started race. 'Am I in love with Shadow?' He thought as he realized what he had just done.

Sonic stood up and wiped away his tears. "I have to make this right. I have to find Shadow." He stayed as he sped off.

Luckily, Shadow lives with Rouge in her apartment. So he knew where he lived.

Sonic made it to their apartment complex and knocked on their door.

Rouge answered the door. Once she saw Sonic, she gave a death glare and slammed the door shut.

"Rouge please! I need to talk to him!" Sonic pleaded.

"Get out of here Sonic!" Rouge exclaimed through the door.

"I need to make this right! I want to apologize for what I said! Please just give me 10 seconds with him!"

"No! Get off my property or I'll call the police!"

Sonic stood his ground and held the Bleeding Rose heart in his hand. "Then call them, cause I'm not leaving till I talk to him!"

(Inside the apartment)

Rouge was behind the door arguing with Sonic.

But Shadow was in his room with the door open. He was lying on his bed, crying. He heard Sonic and Rouge arguing at the door and covered his ears. Then he heard Rouge threaten to call the police. He decided that he needed to end this, because he was done with today.

Shadow got up and dried his face. He walked out and Rouge saw him.

"Hun, you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to. I'll call the police if he doesn't leave." Rouge spoke to him.

"No, I have something to say and I want this to be over." He spoke and took a hold of the door handle.

(Outside the apartment)

Sonic still stood there waiting for Shadow. His anxiety started to build.

Suddenly the door opened and revealed Shadow. He stepped out and closed the door behind him.

"Shadow I-"

"No, I talk and you listen." Shadow interrupted.

Sonic stayed quiet and let Shadow say what he wants to say.

"I decided to try the app because I thought I was ready to move on with my life and find someone to support and love me. On the app I met the most supportive and compassionate guy that loved the real me instead of the one you know. When we started to call each other partners and boyfriends, I didn't feel alone for the first time in a long time. When the event came I was already a nervous wreck because I had decided to change how the world perceived me. I want to be happy. I didn't want to be alone anymore. But then I saw that the one I had feelings for...was you. When I saw you, all I could remember was you saying that I don't deserve love. That's why I didn't say anything at first..."

As Shadow spoke Sonic was feeling worse by the minute. Sonic was starting to think maybe he couldn't fix this.

"....But despite everything you said to me that day. I was still willing to make it work. Because even though I know who you are and what you said really hurt me. You were still the guy I wanted to be in a relationship with...."

"Shadow that's what I-"

"I'm not done." Shadow interrupted again.

Sonic breathed in and out and let Shadow continue.

"But the way you reacted when you see me...I-I can't begin to talk about how embarrassed, betrayed, and heartbroken I felt when you said those things to me. And when we were around so many people! The guy I got to know wasn't even there, he was just an act. Because I know the real guy behind the screen, wouldn't have said and done all of that to me. And that's all I have to say to you about today. I am done with you and I-I just want to be left alone." Shadow said as he put his hand on the handle as he felt like he was going to cry.

"Please wait a second! I have something to say too! I need to make this right with you!" Sonic pleaded.

Shadow turned to him with tears in his eyes. "There is no making it right Sonic! You humiliated me and you treated me like trash! And if you even want to try and speak to me ever again, you will leave now or expect a restraining order to be filed against you!" Shadow exclaimed and went inside.

Sonic started to break down again. Tears came to his eyes. "I-I'm sorry..." he weeped and sped off.

(Inside the apartment)

Shadow shut the door and leaned up against it. He put his hand over his mouth as tears streamed down his face.

Rouge was beside the door and wrapped her arms around him. "It's gonna be okay hun. I'm so proud of you for what you said."

Shadow nodded and sniffed. "Thank you...*gets out of Rouge's embrace*...but I need to be alone right now." He spoke and walked to his room.

"Okay, just let me know if you need anything." Rouge said.

Shadow didn't answer as he shut his door.

Rouge sighed as she remembered how this day started.....

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