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(The next morning)

Sonic had woken up at 10:30. He rubbed his eyes and grabbed his phone on his nightstand. He saw there were a few notifications from Bleeding Rose.

He jolted up in interest and logged into his app.

❤️Secret Soulmate Chat❤️

Today 9:25am

BR: Good Morning

BR: I was hoping that we could talk. Like yesterday?

Today 10:00am

BR: Sorry, if I seem clingy...Just text me when you're free?


RH: Sorry I didn't text back. I was still asleep. Just woke up. You still wanna talk?

RH: I don't think you're clingy. I think you're perfect💙

BR: Believe me, I'm FAR from perfect😅

RH: You shouldn't say something like that. I've only known you for not even 2 days and I can already tell that you are kind, nice, innocent, and have a heck of a sweet tooth❤️


5 minutes later

RH: You okay?

BR: Yes, it's just....

RH: What?

BR: No one has ever said such nice things about me before. It feels weird...but nice

RH: Then you've been hanging around the wrong people. You deserve more than just a few nice words

BR: Sometimes I don't feel like I do. But ever since I first texted you, I feel more deserving? I'm not sure how to put it, sorry

RH: You feel better about yourself. That's what you're trying to say right? And don't say you're sorry. It's fine

BR: In a way, yes. And thanks for all the compliments. I never said thank you for what you said

RH: Your welcome

BR: And I think, since I've only known you for a day in a half, I can tell you are supportive, compassionate, and very athletic

RH: Thank you, I think I'm gonna add sweet as your sweet tooth to my list of words that describe you

BR: Out of all the misfortune that has happened in my life, how lucky was I to match with you from my first time with a dating app?

RH: Tell me about it! I've wanted a boyfriend for the longest time. But I've let everyone's opinions on homosexuals hold me back. What I am trying to see is that I'm glad I met you too.

BR: You think of me as boyfriend already?

RH: Sorry, I guess I just got over excited. I don't mean to rush into things

BR: I'm okay with it actually. If you want to call me that.

Sonic's eyes widened in happiness and disbelief. He was so happy that he wanted to laugh and scream.

RH: Really? You would be my boyfriend? After we just met?

BR: Now am I rushing into things? Sorry

RH: No! I was just trying to show you that I was excited. I'm really happy. The partner I have wanted for years has finally come into my life.

RH: Does that sound kind sad?

BR: Absolutely not, It sounds beautiful actually. I'm honored to be called your boyfriend. And if you'll let me, Id like to call you my partner?

RH: Of course you can! So we're officially a couple?

BR: Yes, if you're okay with it. Cause I am

RH: I definitely am

The two new lovers talked for another hour before Bleeding Rose said he had work to do. Sonic logged out of his account and a wide smile spread across his face. He jumped up and dashed out of his house.

Sonic ran and ran with that same smile on his face. He stopped in a vacant field with no one in sight. "FINALLY!" He screamed in pure happiness.

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