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(Three months later)

Sonic and Shadow were cuddled up on Sonic's living room couch watching the Maze Runner.

Sonic looked at his boyfriend cuddled up on his chest. He kissed his forehead and this led to Shadow turning and kissing Sonic on the lips.

Sonic's hands started to stroke Shadow's sides and slowly lowered them to his butt.

Shadow's eyes widened and broke the kiss. His cheeks became red and sat up.

"Sorry, I-I was in the moment and wasn't thinking." Sonic said kind of embarrassed.

"It's fine, I was enjoying everything up till then. I overacted. Sorry." Shadow said.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I took things too far."

Shadow sighed and cuddled up next to Sonic once again.

Sonic rested his arm on him and stroked Shadow's arm. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"When we were talking on the app. We started joking about families in the future. Then you said that you could actually have kids, but you didn't want to go into details. I guess what I'm asking is can I have the details?"

"I guess I would have to explain that sooner or later." Shadow sighed. "The truth is that when I was being created, the professor wanted me to be able to reproduce. But he couldn't give me both sex organs due to multiple complications. So he gave me one, and that had to be the female. I am male, but I have female sex organs and reproductive system." Shadow looked up at Sonic. "So what do ya think? You're dating a male/female hybrid. Weirded out yet?"

Sonic shrugged. "Not really. You're still you. Whatever you want to be called is fine by me." Sonic placed a hand under Shadow's chin. "And I think that you're beautiful the way you are, male or female sex organs or not. I love you."

Shadow felt his heart begin to race as a wave of heat courses through his body. A hot blush covered his muzzle.

Sonic saw him and stroked his face. "You okay? You're warm."

"Y-Yes, I just feel...h-hot." Shadow stuttered as he felt his private area moisten.

It took a minute for Sonic understand what he meant. "Oh, where do you feel hot?"

"I-I don't know, everywhere. Especially....my private area.." Shadow said embarrassed.

Sonic's muzzle turned a bright pink as he leaned to Shadow and kissed him.

Shadow's heat got more intense but he started to get pleasure from it. He returned Sonic's kiss with extra passion.

Sonic slipped his tongue in Shadow's mouth.

Shadow reached his now shaking hand up to Sonic's shoulder and gripped it. Shadow's tongue connected with Sonic's.

Their make out session ended with a trail of saliva between them. After they parted, Shadow was left breathing heavily.

"Did that feel good for you?" Sonic asked.

Shadow shakily nodded.

Sonic smiled at him and kissed his forehead. "Ya know, Tails is hanging out with Cosmo and he won't be back to late. Do you want to continue with in the bedroom?"

Shadow smiled and nodded.

Sonic's smile turned into a playful smirk and chuckled as he lifted Shadow into his arms and carried him to his bedroom.

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