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Sonic went into his room and waited for the Secret Soulmate app to download. Honestly he didn't know what to expect.

He heard his phone go off and that signaled the app was ready. He opened it the app:

❤️Welcome to Secret Soulmate❤️

Please create a username and password! REMEMBER! To help keep your identity, keep your real names out of  it!


Sonic thought for a good ten minutes. He couldn't think of a good username. Then he finally got it! And for his password, wasn't that hard because no one would know it but him.

Username: RacingHeart
Password: GayBlueHero1

He clicked the next button to the next page.



What do you prefer?

Doesn't matter 💕

Sonic obviously chose male and boys. So he clicked to the next page.

What do you like to do for fun?

Favorite foods?

Favorite color?

Tv watcher or book reader?

Introvert or Extrovert?

Nature lover or Indoor relaxer?

What do you look for in a partner?

What is your best quality?

What is your worst quality?

Sonic definitely had to think about what he wanted to write. He didn't want to be to obvious. 'I just really have to dig deep.' Sonic thought.

What do you like to do for fun?
Exploring and traveling
Favorite foods?
Anything that has spice
Favorite color?
Sky blue
Tv watcher or book reader?
TV watcher
Introvert or Extrovert?
Nature lover or Indoor relaxer?
Nature Lover
What do you look for in a partner?
Someone who has a sense of adventure and has a kind heart
What is your best quality?
What is your worst quality?
Jumping into things without thinking

Once Sonic was done he entered the finally page.

Select a picture for your profile! No actual photos of yourself!

Write a biography for your profile!

Sonic decided to consult google for an image. He didn't want something ugly or too average. Then he remembered the Floral Garden! So he choose this image:

 Then he remembered the Floral Garden! So he choose this image:

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Now to write his bio. Sonic spend 30 minutes composing a perfect bio to express his want for a partner. He wrote:

I have been wanting a partner for a very long time. For the longest time, I've felt a certain emptiness. I am hoping to fill that void with the love I will share with my partner.

Sonic was very happy with his profile so he finally tapped the submit button. After he did, the app showed this:


If you receive a match, this app will notify you right away!

Good Luck!

Sonic let out a deep sigh. "And now, we wait."

(1 week later)

Sonic was running around the landscapes of Mobius and decided to take a break under a tree. He had left his phone at home because he had been waiting an entire week for a match and he was starting to lose hope.

"Who am I kidding? Maybe I'm not destined to have someone in my life. I'm just meant to be the lonely hero." Sonic spoke.

Sonic then decided to head home. He sped off in the direction of his and Tails home. Once he arrived he opened the door to see Tails walking to his room.

"Hey Tails." Sonic sighed.

"Hey Sonic, I think you were home? I heard your phone got off earlier and I thought you were in there." Tails chuckled.

"Wait, my phone went off?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah, why?" Tails said.

"Cause I've been waiting for a match on Secret Soulmate! That might be a match!" Sonic said starting to get excited.

"Then go see!" Tails said.

Sonic sped off to his room and shut the door. He scooped up his phone and saw the Secret Soulmate notification

Congratulations! You've received a match!

Sonic wanted to scream in excitement. But he knew he had to look into the other persons profile first. The first one doesn't always mean the best one.

He unlocked his phone and logged into the app. The clicked on his match and read everything.



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Likes Boys💙

What do you like to do for fun?
Traveling and baking
Favorite foods?
Anything sweet
Favorite color?
Emerald green
Tv watcher or book reader?
Book reader
Introvert or Extrovert?
Nature lover or Indoor relaxer?
Nature lover
What do you look for in a partner?
Someone kind and understanding
What is your best quality?
What is your worst quality?
Not great at expressing my feelings

I have never been in a romantic relationship before and had no idea where to start. I do not have a lot of people who care about me, so I am hoping to find someone who will love and care about me.

Sonic read every single detail of the profile. 'He sounds perfect!' Sonic thought getting more and more excited by the minute. So Sonic decided to send the first text.

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