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(3 days later)

Sonic had taken a shower and got ready to see Shadow. His nerves were building by the second. He wanted Shadow to forgive and love him so bad. And he couldn't forgive him, Sonic would be heartbroken.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in Tails." Sonic spoke looking in his mirror and fixing his quills.

Tails opened Sonic's door and walked in. "It's already 12:53, your cutting it close Sonic."

"I know, I'm just nervous. I mean...what if he doesn't forgive me and doesn't ever talk to me again?" Sonic confessed.

"If he doesn't then I guess you'll have to move on. I know you don't want that, but you'll have to prepare yourself in case that's what happens. But there is also a chance that he will forgive you. And if he does, that great. Just be prepared for both." Tails spoke.

"Thanks for the advice buddy. I guess I'll go now." Sonic announced.

"Good luck." Tails said as he watched Sonic leave.

(5 minutes later)

Sonic had arrived at the Emerald Floral Garden. As he walked into the garden, he slowly breathed in and out to calm himself down. 'Chill Sonic, this is how you screwed up the first time. Just breathe.' He thought.

Sonic finally made it to the beautiful cherry blossom tree. It was officially 1pm. Sonic pulled out his phone and pulled up the Secret Soulmate app.

              ❤️Secret Soulmate Chat❤️

RH: I'm here

BR: I'm here too.

Sonic looked behind the tree and saw Shadow. Shadow turned his head and saw Sonic. He stood in front of each other.

"Now that I get to talk to you face to face I wanted to say that I'm-"

Shadow raised his hand to silence him. Then he stuck his hand out to Sonic.

Sonic gave a confused face until Shadow gave him a shy looking smile.

"I'm glad I finally get to meet you in person. You are Racing Heart from the Secret Soulmate app right?" Shadow spoke.

"Shadow does this mean that...you forgive me?" Sonic asked with a little hope in his eyes.

"You texted me yesterday that you wanted to start over with me. So this is your second chance. It's the day of the gathering event all over again." Shadow spoke with a light blush on his muzzle.

Sonic gave let out a happy chuckle. "Then yes, I am Racing Heart. But my real name is Sonic. That means you're Bleeding Rose right?" Sonic said while shaking Shadow's hand.

Shadow nodded. "That's me, but you can call me Shadow."

Sonic let go of Shadow's hand. "Then that means I can finally do this."

Sonic wrapped his arms around Shadow's waist and pressed his lips against Shadow's.

Shadow's eyes widened at first, but then he happily returned it.

After a whole minute of kissing, they broke the kiss.

Once they did, Shadow noticed small tears in Sonic's eyes. "What's the matter?"

Sonic chuckled and wiped his tears. "Nothing, I'm just really happy. I've wanted this for so long. And now I have it. Now I have you." He said and hugged Shadow tightly.

Shadow returned it and smiled. "I feel the same way."

The two hedgehogs had separated and sat down in front of the cherry blossom tree. They started talking and laughing.

"You know, I never took you for a sweet tooth guy." Sonic said.

"That's something I don't share with a lot of people. Some people would find a guy like me with a thing for sweets weak and sensitive. I didn't want people to see me like that." Shadow replied.

"Well...*puts arm around Shadow* I think it makes you adorable and more attractive~" Sonic complimented and kissed Shadow's cheek. "In fact, Tails told me about this place downtown that makes the best cupcakes. You wanna go? I'll pay?"

Shadow smiled and nodded. "Sure but...you're not afraid of how people are gonna looked at you in public now? Since you basically came out on live TV."

"Nope, as long as I'm with you. I don't care how people see me anymore. Because I have an amazing new boyfriend that loves me for the real me and love him just as much, if not, more." Sonic spoke and leaned in for another kiss.

Shadow pressed his lips against Sonic's awaiting ones. Then he broke it. "That's just what I wanted to hear."

The two hedgehogs got up and left the Emerald Floral Garden as new lovers.

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