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It was here! The day of the Secret Soulmate Gathering Event!

Sonic looked at his phone and saw it was 12:30. He was in his bathroom brushing out his quills and making sure he looked his best. Once he was done he said bye to Tails and left. But then a great idea popped into his head.

Sonic ran into a near by flower shop and bought a bouquet of red roses. Then made his way to the Emerald Floral Garden.

Once Sonic had arrived, it was 1pm. He walked up to the the doors and was greeted by a purple sheep girl wearing a pink dress.

"Good afternoon, are you here for the Secret Soulmate Event?" She asked.

"Yup." Sonic replied.

"Okay, let me see your app for I can verify your account." She requested.

Sonic pulled out his phone and opened his app. He showed her his account and username.

The sheep girl typed in his username and it printed out a laminated red with his username printed on it. She attached it to a red thread and handed it to Sonic. "Put this around your neck and good luck with your match!"

"Thanks." He said and put the new necklace around his neck. He walked into the garden and saw a lot of matches talking. A lot were heterosexuals but he did see a few homosexual couples as well. Which made him feel a little better.

"Alright, the cherry blossom tree is in the middle of the garden." He said and made his way to his and his soulmates meeting place.

Once he had maneuvered around the other couples, he finally made it to the beautiful tree. The tree had pretty pink fully bloomed cherry blossoms, large roots, and the was wide around all around the length. Sonic leaned against the tree waiting for his new boyfriend. As he stood up against the tree, it was so thick that he couldn't see behind it when he turned his head.

It was about 1:20 and his date wasn't there yet. Sonic looked at his roses and sighed, letting his nerves build up. 'Calm yourself Sonic, you came here to be happy and finally be with a guy that loves the real you! Don't freak out.'

As he waited, he suddenly heard his phone vibrate. He looked at it and saw he got a notification from Secret Soulmate. He opened the chat room.

                ❤️Secret Soulmate Chat❤️

BR: I'm at the cherry blossom tree. Where are you?

RH: I've been here. Maybe your behind the tree?

BR: It is a pretty big tree isn't it? If I'm being completely honest, I'm really nervous.

RH: Don't be, remember what I said. I don't care how you look. I don't care how people see you. I just want your sweet self❤️🌸❤️

BR: Okay, on 3?

RH: Sure, 1

BR: 2

RH: 3

Sonic around to the other side of the tree to see none other than...Shadow!? His eyes widened as he stepped back in shock. Then he saw Shadow's necklace with a heart that had Bleeding Rose printed on it.

Shadow was silent. He looked shocked but more uncomfortable.

At this point Sonic's nerves were threw the roof. No one but Tails knew he was gay and now Shadow knew too. He wanted a boyfriend but not someone he already knew!

Sonic looked down and gripped the bouquet stems in his hand. He was not only upset, but he was mad.

Shadow stood there and saw Sonic's frustration. "Look, this is a shock to me to but-"

"But nothing!" Sonic exclaimed. Sonic looked into Shadow's eyes with anger.

"This has to be a joke! You must have hacked my account as a sick joke! You just wanted to screw with me again!" Sonic exclaimed.

Shadow stepped back a little and saw other couples watching them. He became even more embarrassed. "Will you keep your voice down. I didn't-"

"No! The one time I actually wanted a relationship it turns out to be a cruel prank! I even thought I was harsh on you then! But now I see your true colors! I was right to say every word! You don't deserve someone to love you if you think you can pull something like this! And everyone here will now know that too!" Sonic yelled and through the bouquet at Shadow's face.

Everyone was staring at the two hedgehogs, there whispers just made Sonic more anxious.

Shadow stayed silent as he began to shake.

"What's the matter?! Don't you want to fight back and call me names like always!? Or are you just a coward!"

Shadow mouthed and inaudible sentence.

Sonic saw this. "If you've got something to say then say it!"

Shadow looked up at Sonic with something Sonic had never seen from Shadow...hurt, sadness, and betrayal.

"I don't care what you like? I don't care how people see you? I just want you? W-What happened to that person I told everything to! I didn't set anything up! I wanted to find someone just like you! But I guess you were right...I don't deserve someone to love me..." Shadow spoke as he ripped off his necklace and sped off.

Sonic calmed his nerves a little and picked up Shadow's Bleeding Rose heart. Then he saw the crowd of people watching him, his anxiety of the best of him and he ran out at top speed.

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