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After about 10 minutes of running, Amy started to call Sonic endlessly! Sonic had to block her from his phone to get her to stop.

Sonic continued to run to his hearts content. Then he pulled out his phone while he was running to check for a Secret Soulmate notification.

Suddenly he ran right into someone!

Sonic fell to the ground.

"Watch where you're going!" A voice yelled.

Sonic looked to see Shadow on the ground.

Sonic jumped up and picked up his phone. "Sorry Shadow, I was just checking my phone and I wasn't paying attention." Sonic offered a hand to him.

Shadow slapped his hand away and stood up himself. "Maybe don't run and text at the same time hedgehog! You're gonna kill somebody!"

"Hey! I said I was sorry! And I was checking my phone because I am seeing someone, and I wanted to see if they texted." Sonic rebuttals.

"Who would be patient enough to deal with your idiotic behavior?" Shadow teased.

Sonic had already had enough criticism about his love life from Knuckles and Amy. He was already at his breaking point. Shadow pushed him over. "You know what! You're just jealous!"

"Why would I be jealous of-"

"Because all you do is pout and feel bad about yourself! You always ridicule people for no reason and think you're better than everyone else! So maybe your just jealous that other people are finding love while you are left all alone! So maybe you don't deserve love cause who would put up with you!" Sonic exclaimed in Shadow's face.

For the first time, Shadow was speechless.

"Truth hurts doesn't it?" Sonic finished.

Shadow gripped his hand into a fist and ran off.

Sonic let out a deep sigh. 'Maybe that was a little harsh, but he really pushed my buttons like Amy and Knuckles.'

(20 minutes later)

Sonic finished his run and arrived home. He saw Tails wasn't home yet.

Suddenly his phone vibrated.

He pulled it out and saw the Secret Soulmate notification. "Great timing!" Sonic said wanting to talk to his boyfriend.

              ❤️Secret Soulmate Chat❤️

BR: Can we please talk? I need to talk to you.

RH: I've had the most frustrating day. So please talk to me. What do you need?

BR: I just had a bad day. And I need some support😔

RH: Don't worry, I'm here for you. 😇What happened?

BR: I don't want to go into the details but, they just hurt my feelings and I needed to talk to you cause you make me feel like I'm loved. 🥰

RH: I feel the same way. Just know that even though I'm not right by your side that I'll still be here when you need to talk.

BR: Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me.

RH: You're welcome. 🤗

BR: So, tell me about your 'frustrating' day

RH: Where do I begin? First I get interrogated about my relationship with you by my friends. Then I get ambushed by this girl wanting a serious relationship with me. WHICH I said no to! Don't worry about that. Than finally I reach my breaking point when I let my emotions out on this guy I know. It was just really aggravating day. 😤

BR: Sounds like frustrating to me. But at least it's over

RH: True

RH: I'm so glad I finally have someone like you.

BR: Me too

RH: You know about the Secret Soulmate gathering event next month?

BR: Yes, why?

RH: Would you like to meet in person at the event?


RH: Am I taking things too fast?

BR: No, it's just that...I'm nervous.

RH: Nervous? Why?

BR: What if you don't like the way I look or you just don't want to be seen with me. Not a lot of people like me and I don't want people to hate you too.

RH: First, I don't care how you look. Second, I'm done with people judging me and hiding who I am. I want to have a real relationship with a guy who loves me for me. I don't care what other people think anymore. So I'll ask again. Do you want to meet in person at the gathering event?


BR: More than anything❤️

RH: Fantastic! I can't wait!🤩🥳

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