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Sonic and Tails sat in silence. For the first time, Tails couldn't help his brother. Sonic didn't know how to cope with his new obsession with Shadow.

Suddenly Sonic's phone started to ring.

Sonic sighed. "What now?" He saw it was a unknown number. But he answered the phone.

(On the Phone)

S: Hello?

?: Is this Sonic the Hedgehog?

S: Yes, who is this?

?: This is Scarlet Fox from the Mobius News. I have a request for you.

S: And What is that?

SF: I want to have you on my news segment.

S: Is this about the Secret Soulmate thing because-

SF: Yes, I want to interview you and get the full story.

S: Look, the whole thing was a burst of emotions and I just lost control. I didn't mean to-....*gets an idea*....

SF: Sonic? Are you still there?

S: Yes, and I changed my mind. I'll do the interview.

SF: Fantastic! I'll see you at the Mobius News Station Building at 2pm.

S: Okay, thank you for the offer.

(Hangs up)

"I thought you weren't comfortable with all of this yet. Why did you-"

"I have a plan. It might be a long shot, but I think it will at least fix a small part of what I've done. I'm asking you if you'll support my crazy idea. As my brother." Sonic spoke.

Tails smiled and nodded. "What kind of brother would I be if I didn't."

"Thanks buddy."

(The next day at 2pm)

Sonic and Tails were at the News Station and Sonic was about to do his live interview.

"Alright Tails, you know what to do?" Sonic asked.

"Yup, now go do what you got to do." Tails said.

Sonic nodded and entered the news set and sat down in a chair beside a red fox in a black pantsuit.

Tails pulled out his phone and clicked on a contact.

(With Shadow and Rouge)

The two best friend were watching a movie together. Suddenly Rouge's phone started to ring.

Rouge answered it.

(On the phone)

R: Hello?

?: Hey Rouge it's Tails!

R: Tails? How'd you get my number?

T: That doesn't matter right now. Is Shadow with you?

R: Yeah, why?

T: Turn on your TV and watch the news right now!

R: Why?

T: Please Rouge! It's really important!

R: Fine Fine!

(Hangs up)

"Hey, I'm gonna turn on the news okay?" Rouge said to him.

"Okay, this movie bombs anyway." Shadow commented. "What did Tails want?"

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