🌻A six year old's memory🌻

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🌻[Jaebum's flashback]🌻

I want to play something else

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I want to play something else. Every time I come over to Kito's house, all she wants to do is play with her Easy-Bake Oven.

"Are you done yet?"

Kito turns around with her oven mitts on. "No! You have to wait!"

"This is so boring! Can't we go outside and play?"

"No!" She says.

I sigh and put my head down. We always play House. We drink tea and Kito makes food. But it's waiting for the food that takes so long! I don't like playing House anyways.

"Why do we always play House?" I ask her, grumbling.

"Because!" Kito says as she pretends to fill our cups with tea. "I'm going to be a chef one day! So I have to cook! Chefs cook!"

I sit back up. There's a job to just cook?

"Is there a job for eating?" I ask.

She shrugs. "I don't know. But you'd be really good at it. You can eat anything!"

I nod proudly. "The worms yesterday didn't taste that good though."

"I told you I should have cooked them first!"

"Ew! No!" I tell her.

Kito turns back around to check on her food.

"What are you making this time?"

"Cake!" She answers.

"You always make cake."

She holds up a pan. "That's the only thing the box has!"

I put my head back down again. "So you're going to be a chef?"

"Yep!" She says. "Everyone in the whole world is going to like my food!"

"Then," I tell her, "When you get married you can cook for your husband."

"I'll be good at it too," Kito says with a smile. "Because I'll be a chef."

While I wait, I finally get too bored so I start playing with random stuffed animals in her room. Finally, after a really long time, Kito tells me her cake is done.

"Yay!" she says happily pulling out the pan.

I look at it. It looks funny. Not like the cakes I see in the stores. This one is kind of...wet.

"I want Mommy and Daddy to try it first!" Kito says and she runs out of the room. I follow her.

"Mommy!" She says putting the pan above her head. She arrives in the family room. "Taste this! Taste this!"

Her Mommy and Daddy are sitting and reading. They look at the pan and then at each other.

"what's this?," her Daddy says touching it a little.

"Huh?" Kito says.

"It's far too wet...you really shouldn't eat it," her Mommy says. "Don't worry. I'm sure the next one will be better."

Kito nods and her shoulders drop. She is really sad now. I know that.

Back in her room, Kito puts the pan down on the table we're drinking tea from.

"Ha, I told you cake was no good," I tell her. I push the pan away.

"You didn't say that!" Kito says. "But..."

I look at her. She's looking down.


Kito looks up with a sad face. "I'll never marry now...because no one wants to eat my food."

"Ah..." I say and I watch her walk toward the pan of wet cake.

I grab the pan before she can get it, scoop a handful of wet cake and stuff it into my mouth. I swallow after several seconds and push the pan back to her.

"There," I tell her. I cross my arms. "I can eat your cooking. You can marry me."

A smile appears on kito's face.

I don't worry about what I said. You only get married when you're all grown up. And that's so far away.

 And that's so far away

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