🌼TEST ONE : The Hair🌼

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Convince Jimin to dye his hair completely black again. According to our data, he hasn't had his hair black for several years now. Even his parents can't convince him to do it. He prefers to keep his hair nearly white or blond.

"So, Jimin," I say at the 15-minute break between our block class, "You should be more risky."

Jimin turns to me and I lower my gaze a bit.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"Oh, I don't know," I say shrugging, "Like getting a motorcycle license, sneaking out of the house, or, you know, dyeing your hair black. Just, you know, being riskyyyyy."

"I've done all that."

Well, look at Mr. Big Shot.

"But your hair isn't black now."

"I prefer it to be this way. You don't think it looks good?"

I think it looks like two little cherubs kissed the top of your roots and blessed you with silky smooth light-colored hair.

"It looks...yeah, fine."

"Yeah, I prefer it this-"

I spread out my arms to emphasize my words. "Okay, we're tackling big issues here. Black is the new...err, black. And that, isn't black. So you're not the new black. You're just that. And you don't want that. You want black. Not that."

I can't see Jimin's entire face, but I can just imagine the bemusement.

"I thought you said it looks good like this," he says.

I nod. No. I shake my head. Well that's lying. I nod again.

"It's good!" I say. "BUT...black would look even better!"

Jimin raises an arm and I know he's pulling at his bangs and taking a closer look.

"Hey, Amy," I hear him suddenly say.

A girl immediately appears in front of his desk.

"Do you think my hair would look better dyed black?"

"No way!" Amy says waving her arms. "Black is BORING. You look so cool already."

"Thanks," Jimin says.

He turns towards me again.

I shrug. "Girls with three-letter names are just people pleasers."

"Hey, Hana," Jimin calls out.

Another girl appears in front of him in a matter of seconds.

"I'm thinking about dyeing my hair black..."

"Oh, don't do that!" Hana cries out. "You'll regret it! I love it the way it is already!"

"Thanks," he says and I hear a small sigh from her.

I can bet a hundred dollars he just gave her his million-watt smile.

I shrug again. "Girls with four-letter names are just plain weird."

Jimin nods.

Jimin spends the entire 15-minute break asking both guys and girls about his hair, and they all answer the same: Don't dye it black.

Meanwhile, I come up with all the possible excuses I can to refute their opinions.

"Blondes of course like other blondes."

"Boys with braces all hate the color black."

"It's common knowledge that girls with more than six letters in their name are scared of the dark."

"That guy doesn't speak English. He's just nodding."

With one minute to spare before Mrs. Elk return, Jimin shares his statistics.

"That's 1 for black and...45 for the current color."

He went into two other classes to ask, too. Overachiever.

"I want a re-count," I mumble.

"Yeah, it's not happening," says Jimin.

The rest of the day I spend trying to come up with more methods to convince Jimin about his hair. I mean, to no longer have threats from Python...that would be wondrous. That very thought is fueling me to convince him! Just think, I could walk around the hallways, not worrying if Python is hiding around the corner...

I could go, "Hello!"

And she would smile and wave. "Hey, Nikito! How are you today?"

I'd totally high-five her. "I'm doing fantastic. And how are you?"

And she'd shrug. "I'm actually slightly under the weather today. I think I might be ill."

"Oh, that's terrible," I would say. "I hope you feel better very soon!"

"You're so sweet, Nikito," she would say and then walk away with an extra bounce in her step because I brightened up her day just that much more.

Yeahhhhh...that would be great.

When school ends, I head out, but not before Jimin, somehow, magically appears next to me.

"Why do you want my hair black so much?"

I shrug. "I don't know."

"It's staying the way it is, then."

"Fine, fine."

I'll try again tomorrow.


The next morning I'm hastily finishing an English assignment. Five more minutes before it needs to be turned in. Only one more paragraph to write! I just finish dotting my last period before I hear a cacophony of voices echoing from the hallway.

I look up and in walks Jimin. With black hair.

He plops into his seat and I stare at his hair in shock.

"You said you wouldn't dye it!"

Jimin drops his bag onto his desk. He shrugs.

"And you said black looked better."

✨THANK YOU✨Thank you to everyone that is reading and supporting my book

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