Always With You

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I believe I'm obliged to say I'm so sorry for the late update. The past few weeks at university had really kicked me in the ass with the amount of assignments I had due. In any case, now that I am in my school holidays now, I will be able to finish this story (at last). Thank you for waiting patiently and sticking around and I hope you enjoy :D

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Things didn't went better for me once I returned to Dragon's Edge after my dad's funeral. Honestly, I felt like a zombie going through things because I had to - going to school, going to my part-time job, feeding Toothless, talking to Astrid (and by talking, I mean I just answered her by saying yes, no or with hums).

Actually, I was barely talking to anyone. The moment I returned to my apartment after school or work, I was upstairs in my room for the entire day, trapping myself in my own shell and not wanting anyone else to join me. The only time I went downstairs was to feed my dog or eat, but even that I would take the food upstairs.

It wasn't like I wanted to be in this state; I wouldn't want anyone to. But what could I do when no matter what I did, I was constantly reminded about my dad. Going to school reminded me of how he helped me with my application. Studying engineering reminded me of how he eventually accepted that this was what I wanted to do for my future. Seeing Toothless when I fed him reminded me of how finding this stray puppy was the start of us having an actual relationship.

It was like when I lost my leg. Except my dad was not here to help me.

Worst of all, I didn't tell anyone about my struggles – not Astrid, Gobber, or even my mum. I justified it by saying they had other things to worry about, than me moping and doping about someone who's gone. So, whenever they asked me if I was fine, I pretended. I gave them a smile and told them I was fine (but, I'm pretty sure they saw right through me). Besides, everyone goes through this, I told myself, and eventually come out of it. So for me, it was a waiting game; waiting until I was over it and I could move on with my life.

A waiting game that lasted almost a month. And it was days like that, that I'm glad to have the people I have with me today.

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It was the weekend, and I was, once again, in my room. I had just came back from my part-time job, and since Astrid was still at hers, I didn't have to talk to anyone, or continued to pretend I was alright for the time being. I quickly fed Toothless and found myself lying on my bed, looking up blankly at the ceiling. I did this a lot.

I was supposed to do some coursework for my studies, but I didn't even try to bring myself to do that. I knew this all 'suffering in silence' thing was getting worst, but still, I chose to keep it to myself. Hours later (or minutes maybe. I'd lost track of time by then), I heard the main door opening from downstairs.

"Hiccup? Are you here?" I heard Astrid call me. But I didn't answer. I remained still on my bed, not moving an inch. Soon, the bedroom door opened and Astrid came through it. 

"Did you not hear me call you?" she asked. I just hummed in response, still not moving from my position. I heard her sigh, which had a hint of annoyance. I then heard footsteps, a bag falling onto the floor and the side of the bed sinking from her sitting down on the edge. Her hand fell onto my shoulder, but still I didn't move.

"Hiccup..." Her voice was like a whisper, but even so, I could hear the desperation in it. "I know you don't want to talk about it but... it's almost been a month."

"... I'm fine." I said quietly, finally moving, but only turning to my side, my back facing towards her. 

"No, you're not." she exclaimed. "You haven't been yourself ever since... Please, Hiccup, talk to me."

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