our two player game (boyf riends)

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Title: our two player game
Ship: boyf riends
Genre: fluff
Storyline: michael comes out to jeremy and they cuddle ùwú
Additional info: trans!michael cause i'm a sucker for this au
Word Count: 908


Michael's POV

my feet stumbled in front of me, shaking as I was pulled toward the oaken door. my hand hesitated rising as I reached the porch step and was faced with a decision larger than many of our classmates' egos. i cringed back on myself, changing my mind at the panic that he'd think so much more differently of me. i spun round on my heels, pondering whether I should run, before i heard the door shuffle open behind me.

"hey, micha. what are you doing here at this time?" his voice sent shivers down my spine.

i slowly maneuvered my body to face him. the perfections of his face, even with the acne and blemishes, made me melt under his stare. i looked down at my dusty white sneakers, shuffling them around on the ivory step as i avoided eye contact so that he couldn't see the red tint that had overtaken my cheeks.

"i needed to talk to you about... uh... something."

i finally glanced up to look at him, a worried expression making the guilt of the situation rush under my skin. a breath left my lips and i invited myself into his home, heading up to his bedroom and falling face down onto his bed. i coughed as the collision winded me, pressing into my already worn body. the scrawny boy followed me soon after, joining me on the edge of the bed.

"what do you have to tell me?" he whispered, soothing my racing mind.

i took a deep breath.

"jere. you know how i always go into the restroom to change for gym?" he nodded. "well... there's a reason for that..."

he cocked his head toward me, eyebrows raised. i gulped down my fear.

you can do this michael, you can do this. it'll be fine.

but what if it isn't? what if he hates you forever for lying to him?

but you didn't lie

but you didn't tell him the truth either, did you?

i played devil's advocate with myself. ultimately, i defeated the monster hovering over my shoulder and expelled the truth in a single breath.

"jeremy, i'm trans."

i did it? i did it!

i cheered myself on in my own world. i shut my eyes after a moment of silence from the both of us, nervous that he was disgusted, would kick me out and find rich to hang out with or something. he didn't react this slowly when i told him i was gay. why is it different now?

a pair of arms wrapped around my torso, shocking me into falling back onto the comfortable cushions behind me. he was crying into my side, the wet stains seeping onto my flesh and getting dangerously close to my binder.

"jere? can you hold off the waterworks for a second?"

he nodded, pulling back to look at me with his eyes as red as mine after getting stoned in my basement. i let myself rise from the blue and white checkered sheets and gripped on the hem of my hoodie, pulling it over my head and revealing my black t-shirt i'd absentmindedly thrown on in the morning. the burn of embarrassment imprinted in my back as he watched my each movement. my hands fell down to the edge of my tee and managed to hold onto it before the true fear strangled me.

you'll be okay. he hasn't reacted badly so far, why would he change now?

i tugged my shirt upward, finally revealing the tan binder beneath. the latches on the side suffocated me before i unclipped them and struggled my way out of it, letting it fall to the floor beneath my feet. i pulled my hoodie back over my head, leaving the other discarded items on the floor and jumping back onto jeremy.

his hand managed to tangle itself in my hair and twisted out each strand. pulling, twisting and releasing. pulling, twisting and releasing. over and over. over and over. i soon began to drift off and felt a hand come up to stroke the hair from my forehead and remove my glasses before a pair of lips landed themselves atop my head. the softness of them surprised me but they were more than i could have dreamed of.

i fluttered my eyes open to meet his even though the slight blur disoriented me. the soft blue looked back at me and a pink tint spread across his cheeks. i leaned up to give him a quick peck on the lips and pulling back to admire the bewildered expression he'd acquired. i chuckled before curling into his chest and nuzzling further into it.



"i love you."

i stayed in stunned silence for a moment and his whole body tensed around me.

"i love you too, jere-bear."

he snickered at the new nickname before reaching a hand back up into my hair; this time petting it gently. my heart nearly blew up at the words his smooth voice spoke and i repeated back to him.

"i think i'm bi?"

i laughed.

"i know i love you," he finished.

i stopped laughing.


we laughed for a while until tiredness overtook us and we drifted away into our temporary death until the morn would come once again and we'd have to awake from our slumber to, once again, face all the worlds problems but at least we'd have each other in our little two player game.

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