roger could never (101 dalmatians)

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Title: roger could never
Ship: cruella deville x anita dearly
Storyline: ^^
Additional Info: abuse mention, lesbian secc, handcuffs
Word Count: 1636
Requested By: - anon -


Cruella's POV

i tapped my pointed nails on the finely carved wood, my opera length cigarette between my teeth. i breathed in the deadly fumes before quickly exhaling into smoke rings. i smirked at the shapes in the air. a knock at the door stopped my trail of thought, the imagination of how i could get those wonderful puppies for my designs.

"what?" i screeched.

in came a finely dressed gentleman, his name slipping from my mind. he bowed his head as he stood by the door, leaning against it to assure it wouldn't shut on our visitor. he coughed twice, preparing his voice for an announcement as the icy winter air stole away his voice, making it hoarse.

"a visitor, madame. by the name of anita dearly, miss," said he.

i chortled as i tapped my cigarette into the ruby ashtray.

"let her in."

his hand drifted out of the doorway, ushering the woman in. her steps were weak, eyes bloated and an aura of fear shrouded her along with the darkness of the corridor behind her. she nodded her head at the footman and stepped within my large room.

"thank you, sir."

her voice was hushed and raspy from the obvious tears she'd shed before taking the stroll up to my stately home. i pressed the cigarette out, sparks flying from it. i stood from my chair, my heels tapping down the stairs in front of me. i waved the servant away, pulling anita into a hug.

"anita, darling, what's happened?"

she shook, more tears streaming from the corners of her eyes. her face had morphed into an unrecognizable one from the usual cool and collected one she held. her blubbering became a chore and i wiped away the droplets staining her face.

"it's roger. he's been- he's been be- beating me and, all i- in all, completely mistreat- mistreating me! cruella, please help me."

she sobbed harder into my cloak. i hugged her tighter. her sobs turned to embarrassed whimpers as she tried to wipe away the stream of tears, choked laughter coming out as she did so.

"sor- sorry," she stammered.

"it's fine, anita, honey," i reassured.

i eyed her up and down, taking in the wonder I'd never noticed before; the way her body curls so perfectly, her short strawberry blonde hair ever so enticing and the glittering blue-green eyes she had drew me toward her.

she kept on blubbering but all my attention was on the way her plump, pink lips moved against her fair skin. i looked into her frantic eyes, my lips now partially parted. i swallowed. i leant in to silence her messy words in a world distorting kiss.

she was soon to kiss back, wrapping her hands around my neck and allowing me to place my hands on her cheeks. she deepened our kiss, forcing her tongue to slither inbetween my lips. i groaned at the sensation.

we battled with the closeness of touch. i shrugged my fur coat from my shoulders, dropping it on the floor behind me and pushing anita forward so she was up against the wall. she moaned as her back collided with the brick. her head turned to the side, letting out loud pants as the memory of the evening diminished.

"shall we take this to my bedroom?" i pondered, my wicked grin returning to my face.

her eyes moved to meet mine, yet her head stayed to the side, and she nodded faintly. i took her wrist, pulling her harshly out the door and moved with her to the end of the hall, my bedroom seemingly further as lust clouded my senses.

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