family bonding (miraculous ladybug)

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Title: family bonding
Ship: n/a
Genre: n/a
Storyline: ^^
Additional Info: short, family bonding, kinda a crackpost
Word Count: 675
Requested By: agemforlife


Rose's POV

i tapped the door three times using the glittering door knocker and adjusting my blonde fringe out of my eyes. the door was pulled open by anarka, her grey-green hair swaying from the slight breeze of the outside.

"come in. juleka has been awaiting your arrival," she spoke, waving her hands around like the extravagant woman she is.

"thank you, anarka."

i grinned at her, hauling my bag over my shoulder as i pushed past her and into the house. juleka was seated at the kitchen island of their short term home and was eating a bruised apple. i snuck behind her before jumping on her and wrapping myself around her back.

"juliiieeee!" i screeched in her ear.

she almost choked on the small piece of apple as she jumped forward and hitting her stomach into the marble lightly. she placed her apple down and spun on the chair at the exact moment i lost grip and dropped to the floor.

"sorry, rose. you should've been more careful!" she joked, trying to hide her smile yet failing miserably as she broke into a fit of laughter.

i pouted at her as she laughed before losing self control and joining in on the giggling also. anarka joined in from the doorway, jumping in to wrestle juleka to the floor and result in all of us having a bit of a scrap until a phone started buzzing and was removed from julie's pocket.

"hello? -- really? -- now? -- fine!" she groaned, hanging up on the caller. "luka needs me to help out at the boat, i'll be back soon. promise."

"okay, julie. we'll be fine until you get back!" i cheered.

like that, she was at the door and rushing out while throwing on a leather jacket and shouting her goodbyes at us.

"you wanna eat something, rose? we have microwave meals in the fridge."

i nodded in time with the growling of my stomach. the older woman jumped up and sprinted to the metal food box, removing two meals, both being spaghetti, and throwing them into their larger than average microwave.

no sooner than she'd been able to sit down on one of the chairs and spin around did the machine begin beeping and demanding attention. she grabbed the food out, throwing one at me and splashing some of the sauce onto the table.

we snarfed the food down, making sure to finish each morsel. i let out a slight fart, loud enough for her to hear and start chuckling.

"so- sorry!" i stammered out, blushing from embarrassment.

"you call that a fart?!"

she let out a loud rip in the room with her face scrunched and the smell toxic. i challenged hers with another. we continued with our small competition, each fart louder than the last. i let a powerful noise out, making anarka wince backward and try rivaling mine.

the blaring noise coming from her was near inhuman. she finished with her face dropping and a gruesome smell shrouded the room and i realised what situation had just gone down. i stood and ran back to the garden, almost throwing up from the lingering scent within my nostrils yet still chuckling at the experience.

i strolled to the end of the lot, the odor being left behind with each step. i coughed from the matter that was left with me before two arms wrapped around my neck and pushed me into the dirt underneath the woman.

we laughed in unison as we wrestled in the mud for a while.

just as we'd wandered into the aired out kitchen, juleka arrived with a throw of her jacket away to the shoe rack. she saw our muddied bodies and raised a fearful eyebrow.

"what happened?!"

"we stepped outside and fell over, clearly," anarka fibbed, winking at me.


"all part of our family bonding." i winked back at her, dusting myself off.

"exactly!" anarka agreed.

the silence shattered as we all fell onto the floor in a burst of hilarity.

"now this is family bonding!"

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