my keeper (flintwood)

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Title: my keeper
Ship: flintwood (marcus flint x oliver wood)
Genre: fluff
Storyline: just some cute flintwood
Additional Info: just fluff
Word Count: 2315


Oliver Wood's POV

the fresh breeze of the day flew past me as i drifted in front of the goal to block the quaffle from burning its way through the air and into the ring behind me. i smirked to myself at my success and watched as the game continued; harry and draco in a battle to catch the snitch, the twins swiftly hitting the bludgers back and forth, and marcus flint scowling and trying to reach the quaffle once again.

the large ball struck him in the shoulder, forcing him to spin yet he kept his balance on the broomstick to continue playing but i still noticed the way he winced and the furrowing of his brows in pain when he had to turn or pass the quaffle to another team member once he caught up to it. i felt as though i had to do something but ignored the urge, pushing it down, to continue the round.

the game ended. gryffindor won. it was a sour victory and i could see the way flint got tormented afterward for his lack of engagement. i wanted to tell them to knock it off yet couldn't risk my reputation being 'the one who cares for his arch enemy'. i went inside our changing quarters, escaping the scene outside.

soon after, a group of slytherins barreled into the large room, each with equally displeased looks apart from flint who's expression was a mask of his true emotions. he must've been in severe pain. questions whirred around the invaders: "why are you here?" being followed by "someone flooded the changing room".

they all gathered on the opposite side from the rest of us, some of the younger students looking uncomfortable while the rest of us aimed to ignore the glances malfoy shot at our seeker. although my time was occupied by the dark hair of flint and his humble position, curled up in the corner and making sure to move as slow as possible as though he would be ridiculed further if he revealed his injury.

near everyone had finished up and simply stood around, chatting with their teammates, mostly gossip about the opposite house in whichever conversation you found yourself listening into. the only character who hadn't finished their routine was marcus so i made the executive decision, then and there, to rescue him from further embarrassment.

"all of you can leave, i'm the one who has been instructed to lock up this area for today!" i announced, voice bouncing off of the stone walls.

everyone filed out fast, eager to escape back to their dorms and either brag about their victories or complain about their defeats. i snickered to myself as malfoy brushed past me, muttering to himself about harry and the red hue rising to his cheeks about as obvious as his glistening platinum blond hair. as soon as the young boy left, i attempted to throw soothing glances at marcus but was forced to stroll over to him as he rejected my knowing looks.


i lifted his shirt from the floor and handed it over to him while he glared at me, snatching it from my grip. i sighed, taking a seat beside him and pulling upward from the base of his jersey and seeing him struggle to argue against my actions until he gave in and lifted his arms over his head, with some difficulty, to pull the cloth over his head.

"i can take care of myself, y'know. i don't need your charity!" he seethed.

"you're injured. i need to-"

"don't touch me with your filthy hands!"

"now listen here, you little bitch. i don't like you either but i'm not going to let you suffer when i know i can do something to help. so shut the fuck up and let me do my job," i attacked.

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