cockslut (fairytail)

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Title: cockslut
Ship: lucy heartfilia x nano
Genre: smut
Storyline: ^^
Additional info: pedophilia, rape, public sex, idk it's 2 am
Word Count: 2666 words
Requested By: 1gnachio


Lucy's POV

i trod along the path, boots crashing against the stones in an attempt to release the tension from within my bones. my fists had curled up into balls and it took near all of my strength to keep myself from ripping my hair from my head. i stared for so long at my feet that, as soon as i moved my attention back up, the light blinded me. 

i adjusted my eyes to the world that might as well be a new plain to me. the sudden need to stop, in a fear that someone had been staring at my slight outburst as well as that lingering feeling at the back of my neck. i spun around on my heel to spy a short child staring at me, cheeks flushed and seemingly in complete shock. 

i contemplated whether i should walk toward him or allow him to admire me from a distance. i popped out my hip, placing a hand on it while the other hung at my side. his face ghosted and head dropped to look at his shoes while they kicked at small pebbles on the ground. 

my tongue prodded at the inside of my cheek and the intense anger from earlier almost took over until i noticed the erection poking out from the edge of his shorts and cocked an eyebrow at him. i turned my head in both directions to check for any passersby and, once the coat had cleared, i made my way toward him. 

my fingers came to graze the bottom of his chin and pull his face up to meet mine, terror replacing any child like wonder that could have been in his eyes beforehand. in this moment, i took the opportunity to truly analyze the bulge pressing against the shorts, which had to have been uncomfortably tight by now, to see that it was definitely larger than any adult's i'd encountered. 

a growing sensation grew in the pit of my stomach and a patch was certainly appearing on the inside of my laced underwear. the boy seemed uncomfortable as he kept squirming with anticipation although i knew he hadn't a clue how to relieve it by the expression on his face and eagerness in his eyes for something he could not quite comprehend. 

i gripped onto his arm to drag him over to a cheap motel at the corner of the street and straight upstairs without having to even bat an eye at the workers after coming here so many times. we entered the cramped room, fit with only a bed and small seating area where many couples and hookups alike have laid together. 

"you're in pain, right?" i questioned, the words being the first ones i spoke to him.

his aura of confusion and awe dissipated around him as he shook his head, curly hair flying everywhere. i smirked, aware of the lie in his movement, walking toward his body, hands fiddling with the hem of his shirt in a desperate attempt to his the tip of his throbbing dick that poked out the top of his shorts. 

"are you sure, kid?" i emphasized, strolling toward him, "because i think that this-" i spoke, tapping his bulge at the base through his clothes- "says otherwise."

he keened at my touch, hands gripping onto my flared sleeves and bucking his hips to meet mine, sending a whir of pleasure through my system. i pulled him to the bed, pressing him onto it and hushing his whimpers with my hand before pulling down on the elastic of both his shorts and boxers to reveal his leaking dick. 

i licked at the top of it as he gripped onto the pillow behind him, pleading for me to stop with each whisper that left his lips. though now i couldn't, the hunger for his cock grew and my usually generous personality fizzled away as a cloud of maroon lust enveloped me. my lips continued to work over him until i enveloped him completely, a hand trailing down my body to lift up my skirt and run it over the fabric of my panties. 

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