he'd have to love me (harry potter)

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Title: he'd have to love me
Ship: one sided minerva and albus
Genre: angst (i tried, okay?)
Storyline: ^^
Additional Info: evil!dumbles and insane!minerva. also, terrible angst.
Word Count: 1229
Requested By: Rugratsfan101


Minerva's POV

"there was never an us."

his cold words pierced through my heart. i looked up from my kneeling position before his throne. the ice cold stare he sent toward me sent me into a frenzy of a range of emotions, most of all hurt, anguish and defeat. the belief that he'd recuperate my feelings dissipated and i was left an empty shell on the cold slab of the marbled floor.

"but-" my eyes were wide and eyebrows furrowed- "but, my lord-!" i screeched as he reached to the side of him to stroke nagini's smooth scales, his disinterest in my situation clear enough without me continuing my rant- "i'll show you, sir! i will get you to come with me! i will do it, sir!" i insisted.

"yes, yes, minerva. remember to close the door as you leave, can't have any other death eaters in here as i sit with only my snake and dismiss my most loyal follower to plan for our next attack. remember to close the door as you leave, minerva."

i seethed with a burning anger as he announced my dismissal from his throne room, the room where i eat and often times sleep in just to smell the air he walked and breathed in. i stormed from the room, the large oaken door was simpler to open when my blood was boiling beneath my flesh.

death eaters alike, wandered the hall, watching me as i angrily stomped through the corridor. my heels clicked on the stone bricks paving the path leading the way to my actual room. the room that doesn't smell like my lord. the room that i haven't been in for so long that dust is visible along each nook and cranny of it.

i dropped myself onto my desk chair with my head in my hands shaking wildly. i squirmed around as a sudden motivation to find the one responsible for him not returning my feelings and have a friendly chat with them.

there must be someone. he cannot simply just reject me without reason. simply not.

the though made me go wild with a fury i hadn't experienced before. i let out a cackle, filling the room with my voice and the nagging urge to do the unspeakable. to cast the speell; the curse. i drew my wand from my pocket and let my quivering state rise from the seat, eyes wide and hair drooping down.

"i'll teach them! i'll teach them all to mess between me and my lord!"

another cackle filled the room as i spun in circles. the images of my peers' lifeless bodies surrounding me, in an ocean of red. red. all i see is red. like a bull, poised and ready to run for the cape but, this time, the cape was the people in my love life's way and i will reach that cape, reach it and rip it up beyond repair.

then he'd have to love me. he'd have to. perfect idea. he'd have to.

i lifted my head and looked toward the framed photograph of albus on the wall, the way he smirked as he spun around in a loop. i grinned up at the moving image, proud of the plan i'd thought up.

i took the ornate door handle into my palm and twisted it to reveal my group of former comrades, all donning their black cloaks and their masks sitting on top of their heads. they took no notice of my presence as they loitered by the faintly dusted frame of a smashed window from my first rejection from my dumbledore.

i walked up to the central character in their clique, placing my wand at their neck and whispering the infamous words that even some of the lower death eaters are afraid to utter.

"avada kedavra."

gone. they were gone and it filled me with a great fuel to know that it was me who did that. the two on either side of the now dead eater seemed too shell shocked to run from me, giving me the perfect opportunity to turn and commit the same unforgivable curse on them.

i made my way back to my lord's room, the people around me dropping like flies as i sauntered past. i swaggered into the throne room, my accomplishments bearing no weight of guilt on my shoulders.

"sir! would you like to see what i've done for you? all for you, sir!"

i chuckled like a drunkard after my words. my eyes were wide and bloodshot with the pure insanity of my movements. albus raised an eyebrow at my frantic speech.

"minerva? what have you been up to?"

a scraping of the door behind me disturbed our conversation. i swayed from side to side, hiccuping at nothing but myself and the demons clawing around my mind, forcing me into these actions. a stout, red headed woman entered the cavern of a room and sprinted toward the throne, kneeling before it.

"my lord!" she screamed in a panic.

"yes, weasley? what have you disturbed us to say?" albus snapped at her.

"everyone- outside-" she was panting heavily and couldn't get the words to leave her lips.

"spit it out, molly!" dumbledore shouted, petting nagini as she slithered around his shoulders.

"they're dead, sir!" she managed.

"yes, sir! i was trying to tell you! now there'll be no one in our way! we can be together at last! you have to love me now, right?!" i giggled.

he jumped out of his seat, making his way in front of the now standing weasley. a fire was ablaze in his eyes and it was like daggers were being thrown toward me.

my world shattered around me.

he doesn't appreciate it? why not? it's because of the weasel girl, isn't it? it's all her fault. she must go too.

i raised my wand.

"avada kedavra!"

no sooner than the words had escaped my throat than the emerald spell swirled to the woman at an alarming pace. the flash of green light was disrupted as a body landed in front of it. not any body. the love of my life's body. he took his own life for the weasley. i knew it was her.

"my lord!" we screeched in unison as he dropped to the ground, shaking violently as the horcruxes failed to let him live.

my sobs became uncontrollable and my feet tapped against the floor as i sprinted to him . i wrapped my arms around the spasming shell of my lord, albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore.

"i could have never loved you, minerva- ah!" he cried.

"shush, albus. you're going to live. you're horcruxes will save you like they did all those times before. they will, albus, they will!" i insisted although knowing the truth was the opposite.

he chuckled gruffly at it. his final laugh.

"goodbye, minerva."

his body loosened in my arms. he was gone. this couldn't have happened. why did it happen?

i laid my head in his chest, wetting his deep burgundy cloak with my tears. i pondered my actions while i continued nuzzling into his chest, the closest i could ever get to him. nagini coiled herself up on his knees, hissing at me with her eyes slitted.

"goodbye, albus." i calmed myself. "i will see you on the other side."

see you on the other side, albus.

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