The Banditos danced around the campfire, but one was next to me. I felt his gaze on me like he would bore with his eye's trough my soul, I couldn't help and just walked away to my tent. Everyone was happy but not me, Why? Oh, right, my best friend was kidnapped from a bloody bishop. I walked in my tent and laid on the mattress staring at the ceiling of the tent.
I then heard some footsteps approach the tent. I sat up and waited for someone to open my tent. It was the same Bandito who followed me trough everything out of the city. He stood there with worry in his eyes, he sat down next to me and apologized. He apologized hat he didn't do anything he just wanted to keep me safe. I was a bit relieved; I had a person who cared, but why? No one cared about me before so why know? Why him?
Then he tolled me something I wanted to here but feared. He planned on storming the facility taking the bishops down and saving everyone. I was... what was I? I was happy I could help my friend and get finally rid of Nico, but I was also scared, scared of Nico, scared of my friend. What would he say when I would find him, I didn't help him when it happened, would he think I let him down?
The Bandito exited the tent and came a few minutes back with a jacket. It was the same as mine, the same yellow strips but one strip was on the side where my heart is. He gave it to me, and I put it on. It was warm. I liked it.
I asked him why we got those yellow strips, it must have a reason behind it. He tolled me that the color symbolised joy and safety. And, the bishops couldn't see the color so we where safe from them.
We talked and started to know each other. After a while he explained me his plan. It was simple if everything went fine. He wants to send me back alone, so Nico would think I came in surrender. When I'm in, I will have to go to the morning ritual, and explain to everyone what I saw outside, what is really outside those walls and hopefully they will believe me and join the banditos for the final battle. When this is done, I will have to go to the forest and burn it down making a signal. Since the gate was not far, I could open it. This plan was perfect, and we would do it tomorrow. I was happy for once in a while and thought I could sleep well.
I thought wrong.

Trench II-// English version
Fanfictionso I wrote Trench in french and I thought it could be a good exercice for me to translate it in English, to improve my English basically. Let me know what you think about the story and if you see some mistakes. Also trigger warning: -mention blood...