Chapter 14

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Jenna's tent was next to Josh's, so when she heard someone screaming, she knew that there was trouble.

Josh didn't stop reassuring me, I didn't stop apologising for what I did.

Jenna: what's happening in here?

Josh: I don't know, he woke up like that. Could you please get him some water?

Jenna: Yeah, sure

Josh then let go of me

Josh: breath and then you can tell me what happened okay?

Tyler: okay

Jenna then enters the tent and gives me the glass of water.

Tyler: thanks

Jenna: No problem, so... what happened?

Josh: Take your time.

Jenna sits on Josh's bed and Josh doesn't leave my side. I concentrate on my glass to stop

Then I tell them about my dream.

Josh: Where your hands black?

Tyler: I don't know, I didn't pay attention to that.

Jenna: Why would they be black?

Josh: It's now the second dream he had where he stabbed me, but it wasn't Tyler well not Tyler that we know because his hands where black.

Josh explains to Jenna what happened at Dema in that room. I didn't pay attention, I thought. Why did I always see how I stab my best friend?

My thoughts where interrupted when I heard a noise coming from outside the tent. I observed the door of the tent. When suddenly a figure appeared.

Tyler: Josh?

Josh: Yes?

I show him the figure. He stands up, so do I and Jenna. They take their knifes out ready to attack. Josh stand before us to protect us. The figure cuts through the tent, and then I recognize who it was. I pushed Josh out of my way to approach it, but someone stopped me by holding my hand. I flinch at that sudden contact and see it was Jenna. She then let go with a worried look. I go to the animal who sits at the exit. It was a pet cheetah, the cheetah that was on the picture. He sniffs my hand and then jumps on me so that I fall on the ground.

Josh and Jenna: TYLER!

Tyler: stop it, haha, that tickles

He was sniffing and licking my face and he was to heavy to get him of. He was so happy.

Josh: Wait, What?

Tyler: you though he would eat me, right?

Jenna: he jumped on you like you where his prey, of course we thought that!

Josh: and since when can you understand cheetahs?

Tyler: I don't know, but he seems to like me a lot. He looks like the one on the picture and in my dream. Can I keep him?

Josh: Do what you want, you're not a child anymore. If he doesn't eat any of my Banditøs he can stay.

Jenna: What's his name?

Tyler: I think I'm going to call him Jason

Josh: Jason?

Tyler: Yeah like Jason Statham

Jenna: Right, how could I not know this

Josh: I thought the same way Jenna it's a mystery

Tyler: ha ha

Josh: okay I think we could eat something, I'm not tired anymore. And the sun comes in a few minutes.

Jenna: I see what I can do.

Tyler: Thanks

Jenna leaves the tent.

Josh: You want to pay a visit to Nico after breakfast?

Tyler: Yeah... where did you put them actually?

Josh: In that town where we are going to go there is an old prison, so we put them behind bars right away.

Tyler: Are they watched; I mean is there a Bandito who controls that they can't escape?

Josh: Don't worry they are going nowhere, I put a few Banditos around the prison

Tyler: okay good

Josh: Hey, don't worry I put the best mans out there.

Tyler: Yeah that's also why Jason could come here so easily

Josh: You know I offered you to become Coleader?

Tyler: I know I know, and I still don't want to be. It's just I can't stop worrying about that and I don't know I just want to do the things faster, building a new life and trying to forget the past.

Josh: Yeah me to, but not everyone is ready

Tyler: I know

Josh: come let's get something to eat.

We exit Josh's tent and sit in front of the campfire. Jenna gave me my breakfast and something for Jason. It's fascinating how he doesn't leave my side. He growls whenever someone wants to approach me, even Josh.

Trench II-// English versionWhere stories live. Discover now