i Think i Have a Crush

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• Share your smile with the world. It's a symbol of friendship and peace•

Shinsou Pov
Now I'm going to be honest, I've never really had 'friends' before. Now don't get me wrong it's not because I don't want them, it's just takes a lot out of me. I've been getting by in life just fine by myself so you can see why I've never personally gone out to find friends even though I have a small group of good friends at school. But overall My bed, cat, and computer are enough for me.

Being what you call a simple person, big and extravagant things just aren't my style. But one day while I was scrolling on the internet trying to find a reliable source for my school project, I happen to click on a website that was the furthest thing for what I looking for. Now the website itself was extremely well done, it was clean and easy to read once you got used to the obnoxious colors and pictures.

" What is this?"

I asked myself, I clicked on one of the side tabs called " Live Chat ". 16 people were online and the screen was slowly being filled with comments and conversations. Intrigued I started to read them,
DecimalTea: did you guys see his new video! Kaminari looked extra cute in it right?

FreeshSccoop: Yeah! His smile just as bright as usual!💛

PanamasEmo: DENKI AT 2:35 ON THE DOT! You'll thank me later 😫😫

FreeshSccoop: Oh my gawwwwd, so cuuuuuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🥰

DecimalTea: *instantly screenshots*

RatedYee: But his eye look today, looked amazing

PanamasEmo: Yeah he's grown so much 😢 so proud of him

Now to third person
Shinsou stared at the screen shocked, what is this? Some sort of fan website? Shinsou wasn't exactly weirded out by the idea of a fan site, he understood that popular people brought communities together. But usually these sites had more then 16 people on it.

Maybe this kid isn't popular? But I mean it is also very late, his fans could just be busy.

Shinsou stopped paying attention to the chat and investigated the page more. He clicked a tab labeled " About me " Shinsou was determined to find out who this page was about and why he has such dedicated fans.

⚡️Denki Kaminari⚡️
Just your friendly neighborhood youtuber and (below) average school kid. Hi! I'm Denki Kaminari, and you must be a fan of mine to be on this website. I'm super glad you can be here! Now since this is an about me I'm gonna answer some basic questions I'm frequently asked,

I'm 17

June 29th ( that makes me a cancer)


Favorite color?
Yellow, duh!

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Honestly? Just happy and myself, I don't ask for a lot. Although it would be super cool if this YouTube thing took off, but if it doesn't I'd want to be a teacher!

Why did you start youtube?
One day I said why not? And I just started, as you can tell from my
first Video I had no idea what I was doing, and I still don't know but all I know is that it's fun!

Favorite subject in school?
Is lunch considered a subject? But uh maybe physics?

Biggest inspiration?
My teachers!

Spiders >~<

Will you marry me?
If I say yes then I guess I'm married to a lot of people then

A big old pansexual 💖💛💙

Where do you live?
That's a secret!

Denki Kaminari Huh? Putting his school work aside he went to YouTube and searched his name up. Instantly his search was filled with soft boi™ aesthetic videos. Shinsou had to admit, they were very cute, and although he has seen these types of videos before something about Kaminari's were different. Maybe he just fit the role the best or he seemed like he genuinely liked what he was doing and wasn't doing it just for the money or fame. Whatever his reason was Shinsou clicked on his most recent video, " Cover of Yellow hearts (Anthony Saunders) by Denki Kaminari "

{ listen to it, it's so cute and what inspired me to write this even though it has nothing to do with the story}

Shinsou's eyes, ears, and heart were instantly stolen by the voice and appearance of this guy. His voice was as smooth as caramel, or maybe it is more like honey? Whatever it was Shinsou didn't have time for metaphors and comparisons, Shinsou couldn't stop listening to him. He was entranced by the music and each little change in his voice. Did anyone else's music make him feel this way? Shinsou knew the answer to this question and he wasn't sure if he was happy or not with it. When the song ended Kaminari smiled and the screen faded black. Shinsou was left with this feeling in his stomach, are these what butterfly's feel like? He asked himself. Shinsou found himself replaying the song and memorizing the melody because he himself couldn't sing well. Each time he watched the video he found himself noticing something new, like the way his eyes would close whenever he held a note for longer then usual. Or the way he would grin after the lyric ended sharply. Everything about this boy was so mesmerizing to Shinsou.

After watching his video 15 times Shinsou decided it was time to stop being distracted and get back to work, but after that would it even be possible? Shinsou starred the Denki Kaminari website and got back to finding his sources while humming the sound of his voice.

Shinsou Pov
My heart has never fluttered like this before, I've barely ever been speechless due to someone's music before unless of course it was MCR, but who wouldn't be? I couldn't concentrate on my school work anymore The blonde headed boy was stuck in my head and I can't get him out no matter how hard this projects deadline is. " Just get it done" I said to myself as I continued to do my work. Hmmm hmm hm hmm..


Words: 992

Hope you guys liked this first chapter of mine, I just wanted to introduce Shinsou and only Shinsou.

Are you guys okay with the pov changing like this? If not I'll stick to only one per chapter.

⭐️ Star⭐️

Thank you for reading!

Yellow Hearts ( Shinsou x Kaminari ) 💛💛Where stories live. Discover now