i never met you before

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• you will always be the person I look for when the skies are gray •

3rd person Pov
Shinsou and the girls made it to class on time and then they all took their seats. The class president, Iida, also a good friend of Shinsou's ushered the rest of the kids in the front to sit since he didn't want them to be marked late.

" It's nice to see Iida will never change," Momo grinned to Shinsou as she took her history book out.

Shinsou just huffed a bit of laughter, " You're right, since most of our mental health's aren't stable it's nice to have something constant in our lives." Shinsou really exaggerated the 'something' and in response Momo just took a deep breath out to show her amusement. Most people wouldn't know but Momo yaoyorozu had a very dark sense of humor around people she could trust. Shinsou was glad he could sit next to her since their humor was mighty similar and made boring classes like history just a bit more fun and survivable.

~Time skip to the end of the day, brought to you by my laziness and inability to make an interesting school day~

The day seemed to pass by just like normal but Shinsou found it extra hard to concentrate in class since he had so much on his mind. Every time when he thought he snapped out of his Kaminari trance he got right back in it thinking of his videos and how nice it would be to meet him in person. To have an actual conversation with him. To actually see him, not just through a computer screen or a train car. He wanted to understand Kaminari but there was no way to, unless he believed in fate and destiny. And he was not a person who believed in any of that, if anything it was just a series of coincidences. Like Shinsou seeing Kaminari on the train going to Tokyo, hours after discovering him. Totally just a coincidence.

      Shinsou was so deep in thought that he didn't hear his calculus teacher asking him for the answer to the problem they were working on. Now, Shinsou was always good at his classes which is probably why he was in the advance classes that prepared you for college, just like all the other kids in his class. But with Shinsou not paying attention or doing the work he had no idea what to say, he had no idea what his teacher even asked.

    The teacher just sighed, " Make sure you pay more attention in class Shinsou, Todoroki What is the answer?"

    Todoroki gave Shinsou a semi empathetic look as he answered the question he failed to answer. Shinsou put his head down on the desk and decided that he wasn't going to try today anymore, it was his last period anyways and was amazed he survived this long. Kaminari was doing weird things to his mind that no one else has ever done before.

    As his head laid on the desk he began to think of any reason why Kaminari was on a train to Tokyo so early in the morning, one idea is that he goes to school in Tokyo and commutes to and from his town to his school. But he's never seen him before, and Shinsou is confident he would have noticed the blonde haired boy before since he can recognize the same business men every once in awhile. There's also the idea that he was visiting his small town for whatever reason, it was small but it was very beautiful and secluded so if someone needed to get away from a busy lifestyle it would be the perfect place to go since it was close. Shinsou slowly picked his head up and rested his head on his elbows trying to look like he wasn't just trying to crack the case of Kaminari. Not that it even matters because to Shinsou it was just a coincidence that he was on the train. Right?

   The teacher ended his class with assigning some workbook pages and all the kids packed their things up. Momo walked up to Shinsou and lightly tapped him in the shoulder.
    " Shinsou? Are you okay? You seem a lot more out of it then usual."

Yellow Hearts ( Shinsou x Kaminari ) 💛💛Where stories live. Discover now