You're my sun on a cloudy day

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time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life •

Shinsou POV

Did I hear that correctly? Did Kaminari just ask to get lunch... with me? Holy shit, this actually worked out somehow. It certainly didn't go the way I wanted it to, but at least I made it to my final destination regardless of what happened. I definitely made some wrong turns, or completely missed my exit a few times but for someone like myself, I should have known it would have been more difficult and nerve-wracking then what I was expecting.

A small cheeky grin was present of Kaminari's face which only insinuated his question more. Kaminari handed me my phone back just after he texted himself and his phone buzzed in his pocket. " Hope you don't mind that I texted myself." He chuckled taking his phone out to create a contact for me.

I shook my head, of course it didn't bother me I would have done the same when he handed me my phone back, " You're fine, I was going to text you either way to plan tomorrow."

Kaminari quickly perked his head up and looked me into my eyes very softly, he was so cute I swear his looks could kill me. " Oh! Yeah! So tomorrow," he rubbed the back of his neck out of nervousness or to think, I thought, " Actually do you want to plan this later tonight? I wouldn't want you to miss the game more than you already have just because you were talking to me." He looked down soberly as he continued to think.

I tilted my head in confusion but I don't think he saw. I'd spend all my time talking with him if I could but I restrained myself from doing so as I thought about how creepy it would sound if I actually said something like that after "knowing" him for less then 10 minutes. So for once, I actually found myself holding back and nodded as I began to speak.

" Yeah," I paused to clear my throat, "You should get back soon too, so I'll talk with you later?"

Kaminari smiled and looked up. When I looked into his gently squinted eyes I noticed that his charming smile captured his cheerfulness. " Sounds like a plan," he chuckled, " By the way, the Hero's are going to win!"

Feeling a bit bold I took a step closer to him, " Not to be rude but I really think we'll come on top this year," I smirked as I made my way to the door.

" Bet!" Kaminari laughed as he turned around to face me with his hands crossed on his chest. Most of his weight was put more on his left leg which caused him to appear shorter but he still looked pretty serious at the same time. There's no way this guy is 6ft I thought but I guess I'll ask him about that later.

" Alright alright, guess we'll see when the game ends," I admitted when I opened the door. I looked forward then back at Kaminari who was still smirking as he stared at me. " See you around Kaminari."

He uncrossed his arms and waved, " Yeah, talk to you later Shinsou."

I lifted my hand and flicked my thumb, pointer, and middle finger in a tame quick wave and started to walk out the door since we already said our goodbyes. When I heard the door close behind me I took a deep breath to calm myself. So much just happened but it felt really good. It felt like a fantasy and so surreal. I smiled to myself because of how truly unbelievable that was. Kaminari could have entered the bathroom at any time but he just happened to have food thrown at him a little after I left for the bathroom myself. Shinsou made a mental thank you for the friend who threw the strangers food at Kaminari, because without that, this would never have happened.

3rd person POV

Shinsou looked around and noticed the hallway leading back to the gym was empty, he was kinda relieved that it was because he was a smiling gushing mess. He ran his hands through his hair and tried to recompose himself but how could he after what just happened. He felt the warmth rush to his face which made them a subtle shade of pink. Before he went to rejoin his friends he stood outside the gym door chuckling to himself, he probably looked insane but he'd never felt better. It felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, he felt proud even though everything that could go wrong, went wrong but with the help from his friends he had done it. Shinsou looked towards the scoreboard and saw that The Heros and Lions were tied. They must've scored a lot back and forth while he was gone to have that result.

Yellow Hearts ( Shinsou x Kaminari ) 💛💛Where stories live. Discover now