But surely it can't be

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• The most beautiful part was I wasn't even looking when I found you •

3rd person Pov
   Shinsou ended up getting two hours of sleep last night. One because he had to finish his project, the other was because of Denki Kaminari. That boy was doing weird things to Shinsou. Shinsou found himself looking forward to 'waking up' and even smiling to himself. Not to mention he now has a new artist to listen to.

He got up from his bed and started to get ready for school. He brushed his teeth, fixed a few fly away hairs, and put his uniform on. He then grabbed a breakfast bar and his backpack and made his way to the train station.

Shinsou would not Identify himself as a morning person but he did appreciate the fresh cold air in the morning and the peace it brought with it. He popped his earbuds in and put Kaminari's music on. His voice made everything Shinsou saw brighter and better, in a way he felt ten times lighter. It was a good feeling.

As he walked to the station he begun to notice the cuter things in life. Like the young couples in the coffee shops spending their morning together. The fresh smiles from store shop owners when opening their doors. It was like Shinsou was seeing life for the first time in, Atleast in a Pair of fresh eyes.

He had made it to the train station 10 minutes earlier then the train so he decided to sit down and close his eyes. He wondered why he was there so early, he left at the same time, maybe he walked faster because of his good mood and wasn't groggily walking along like he normally would. The weather was nice, the air was clean, today was gonna be a great day.

The ground started to rumble as a train on the other side began to approach, this train was heading to Tokyo. It wasn't to far, a good 30 minute train ride from his town, he often visited the busy city and shopping streets on the weekend with his dads. He watched as the early risers went on the train, a business man, another business man, a business woman, a group of school girls and boys, and more business men and women. Until one person in particular caught his eye.

His yellow hair, is what got him. No way, it couldn't be? My mind must be playing tricks on me. Shinsou thought. He blinked three times and looked again but to his surprise he was actually there. It's not a sleep deprived hallucination, that's actually Denki Kaminari! Shinsou got up from his seat without thinking. Even if he did start to run towards the boy on the opposite sided train and somehow got there in time, what would he say?

" Uh hi, I stumbled on to your fan site last night while doing my school work and I began reading and listening to anything and everything you put online?"
Yeah, not very smooth or subtle Hitoshi...Shinsou thought about doing that even though he would completely embarrass himself but instead he sat back down and thought about how much of a joke his life is. Imagine if I didn't click on that site? I would have just passed that boy by without a second thought. Shinsou laughed out loud because he could not believe it. " Does he live in this town? Or was he just visiting? What is he doing on a train going to Tokyo at 6:30 in the morning? Shinsou had a lot of questions that would probably remain unanswered.

After sitting in aw for another five minutes his train had finally arrived. He walked on to it along with the other busy commuters and surprisingly found a good seat near a window. It wasn't too crowded today, maybe because it was a Monday? Shinsou didn't know but he just turned his music up and waited for his stop.

     He arrived near his school and began his walk to his first period. Shinsou couldn't believe he saw Denki Kaminari only after hours of knowing of his existence. He had to ask his friends at school about him! Did they hear about him before and reacted the way he did? Shinsou didn't know but deep inside he wanted to keep Kaminari a secret, only between him and his thousands of subscribers of course.

    As he made it to class through the hallways he received his average scared looks and awkward eye contacts. Shinsou did look unapproachable, and that's all he'll admit. The bags under his eyes definitely does not help his case, so does his deeper voice and muscular and well toned body. He thought this change would help him make more friends until he realized he didn't care and started to work out and take of himself for himself.       Shinsou is fine having a small group of 6 friends, honestly he would have been happy with just one! But he's known these people since he moved here at the start of Highschool but didn't become friends until his second year.

    He saw his friend Midoriya in the hallway near their class with his boyfriend Todoroki. They were doing their cute couple thing where Todoroki was playing with Midoriyas hair as midoriya was a complete blush. Midoriyas eyes wandered down the hallway and saw Shinsou  and instantly waved and snapped out of their couple trance. Oddly enough Shinsou wondered What would Kaminaris hair feel like? But instantly got rid of any thoughts like that when both boys walked up to him.

    " Good morning Shinsou!" Midoriya smiled towards the indigo haired boy.
       Todoroki followed with a slight wave acknowledging his presence but still focusing on his boyfriend.
     " Good Morning to you guys too," Shinsou said a bit more cheerful then he would normally. He also smiled a little bit, and by smile, it was a light smirk.
     " Woah!" Midoriya said, " Is someone in a good mood? Did you actually get sleep?" He let go of Todoroki and made his way to inspect Shinsou.
   " Let's see, you still have bags under your eyes, but your posture looks a bit more straight, where did our Shinsou go?" Midoriya said jokingly, " whatever the reason is I'm glad your in a good mood!"
   Todoroki agreed, " It is nice to see you happy for once."
   Shinsou and Midoriya were Taken aback by Todoroki honesty and directness, " I'm always happy!" Shinsou huffed and as he finished his sentence he realized how incorrect it was, " well, you know what I mean." He shrugged it off.
     Avoiding the awkward eye contact from Shinsou, Midoriya smiled, " Well I'm sure-" Midoriya nudged Todoroki, " I'm sure what Todoroki meant to say, was whatever is making you happy, looks great on you, or uh, it's a nice change from your... usual self." He said the last part a bit for quiet then the rest because he realized what he said seemed a bit cold and he realized that.
    Shinsou just laughed, " Thanks, I guess?" he then rubbed the back of his neck, " Uh have you guys seen.. have you guys seen any of the girls? I need to talk to them about something."
   Midoriya  of course was first to answer, "Uraraka is coming to school late today cause both her parents are sick so someone has to take care of them, and Tsuyu is getting some work done in the library with Momo cause she didn't understand a part in yesterday lesson."
    Shinsou nodded, " Guess that means I'm going to the library," he left the two boys waving, " see you guys when class starts."
   The two boys said their goodbyes and waved back turning their attention back on each other.
   " I wonder what's got him in a good mood?" Midoriya asked facing Todoroki.
    Todoroki shrugged, " I'm not sure maybe he found a girlfriend."
     Midoriya agreed, " Imagine that! Shinsou dating someone, how cute would that be!" Midoriya flashed his signature smile and Todoroki returned it gently.
     " It would be very cute," Todoroki got closer, " But not as cute as you."


Words: 1300
Hopefully you guys liked the tododeku I put in, I know it's not a tododeku fic but I just wanted to add it to make the story a bit more interesting, especially since they're in their third year.

I promise the Shinkami action your looking is coming soon. It's going to be great but I just want to build it up! 

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Thank you for reading!

*also at the time of writing this it's Christmas so happy holidays*

Also next update prolly won't be for a few days but it'll definitely be in the next week :)))

Yellow Hearts ( Shinsou x Kaminari ) 💛💛Where stories live. Discover now