And we grow stronger

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for once in my life, I'm thinking of the future, and it's with you •

Shinsou POV

    Denki Kaminari: Hey, I was just wondering when you were free to stream again, and this time I promise there will be no math involved =]

How do I even respond? Why did he dm as soon as he was done with the stream? Maybe he wanted to make sure I saw the message, but why now, especially since my feelings are all out of wack.

My hands trembled on the keyboard desperate to say something back but all the words and sentences escaped my mind and I couldn't come up with anything. When was the next time I was free? Saturday? Yeah I think so, do I just say that? Oh god why am I overthinking so much? He's just a person. But he's such a special, beautiful, amazing, extraordinary person. I groaned out loud and rubbed my hands on my face.  Being this awkward is really frustrating sometimes.

SleeplessBrain: Saturday?

OHhhh my god I just one-worded him, that's a thing, Uraraka tells me about guys doing it to her all the time. But that's just me. No it's fine, I responded to the question, if anything I could just say I was in a rush, or that he caught me off guard. Which he did, because he's amazing and he leaves me breathless basically every time I talk to him. The only problem is I struggle to express my emotions properly so he probably wouldn't be able to understand what I was trying to say unless we were face to face but even then would he? I'm pretty sure I'd only be able to give him monosyllabic words. Curse the restrictions of the internet but also thank you for even showing this angel to me.

If anyone saw me panic like this, I'm pretty sure they would think I was possessed or something. My friends barely see me like this, what has he done to me?

Denki Kaminari: Yeah that works for me (^^)ノ゚

Denki Kaminari: Would 8 pm standard time work?

SleeplessBrain: yeah that sounds good, I'll talk with you then

Denki Kaminari: Awesome!! I'm looking forward to it! ⚡️

SleeplessBrain: Same here

Why am I so awkward, it's actually frustrating. I took a deep breath and closed my laptop and I made my way downstairs.

When I got downstairs my dad was making dinner while Pops was on his computer, working on something school-related I'm assuming.

  Pops looked up from his screen and smiled. " Hey Hitoshi, done with homework?"

I shook my head no, " Not yet, I'm almost done though I just have studying left to do."

Dad added some oil into the already hot pan which caught the attention of both pops and I as it started to sizzle. " That smells good dad, what are we having for dinner?"

" Chicken stir fry," he said without looking back.

" Well it smells delicious," Pops said excitedly.

We spent the rest of the evening talking and eating at the dinner table. When it got a little later I went back upstairs to finish up my homework. I studied for a long time, longer then I thought I would but I honestly got on a roll and felt really successful. Once I was officially done I went to the bathroom to take a shower and did everything else I needed to do. After that I laid in my bed and hoped that I would be able to fall asleep tonight, even just for an hour.

Yellow Hearts ( Shinsou x Kaminari ) 💛💛Where stories live. Discover now