My rainbow after it rains

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• no matter where I am, I always think of you •

3rd person pov

When Shinsou got home later that night his parents went straight to bed while he stayed up and took a shower. In the shower, he couldn't help but to smile to himself as he thought about what it will be like to hang out with Kaminari tomorrow. What will they talk about? Will he be able to make him laugh? He had so many questions, but they'll soon be answered so he tried not to let them bother him.

He got out of the shower, took his contacts out, and put his glasses on along with the rest of his pajamas. His eyes felt immensely dry so he went to go find his eye drops in one of his bathroom drawers and when he finally found them he took his glasses off and successfully dropped one drop in and he continued to his next eye. Just as he was about to drop another drop of the solution into his eye his phone started to ring from on the counter in his bathroom. He wondered who would be calling him at this time but to his wonderful surprise, It was a facetime call from Kaminari.

   Shinsou rushed to his phone but hesitated, he probably looked insane. His hair was wet, he didn't have his contacts in nor his glasses on so he quickly found them on the counter and put them back on, disregarding the fact that one of his eyes still felt really dry. He took one last deep breath to calm his nerves before pressing accept. The time it took to connect felt like forever but when it finally did he was met with a smile from Kaminari.

   " Hey, didn't know if you would be awake or not! Guess I should have texted you first, huh?" Kaminari admitted as he walked around his room. Shinsou noticed it was way different than his room that was shown on stream, it looked normal to describe it simply. It didn't have the neon colors and lights or as many instruments on the walls as Shinsou was used to seeing. Shinsou knew the reason why this was but he still found it interesting nonetheless.

   Shinsou ran his hand through his wet hair and chuckled, " You could call me at any time and I'll probably be up to answer if im being honest."

Kaminari frowned as he fell on to his bed, " Why, are you an insomniac or something like that?"

Shinsou was standing in his bathroom and shrugged, " Yeah, something like that." Shinsou smirked at Kaminari through his screen and saw him yawn in response. Shinsou's fluttered at the sight, it was so gentle.

  " I am not, I could sleep for ages!" Kaminari yawned as he stretched his back.

  Shinsou cocked an eyebrow in inquiry, " Is that why you always have so much energy?"

  Kaminari looked tired but he still managed to cheekily smile, " Yeah, something like that." He said to mimic Shinsou's previous response which made Shinsou grin.

  The call was silent for a moment but it wasn't uncomfortable if anything it was peaceful. Shinsou took it upon himself to bring up tomorrow as he noticed that Kaminari was on the edge of falling asleep.

  " So for tomorrow, what time do you want to meet?" Shinsou asked calmly but Kaminari's eyes widened as soon as he spoke about tomorrow.

  Kaminari sat up and fixed the pillows behind him, " Wanna meet me at the ramen place at," he took a pause as he thought, " At 11?" He suggested.

   Shinsou nodded, " 11 sounds good, I'll text you the address right now."

  " Great! I'm looking forward to it, its been a while since I've had good ramen you know?" Kaminari looked up and sighed, " I'm so used to instant ramen or the one you get from the convenience store."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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