first time sharing a bed

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- it was on your fifth sleepover at his house after you started dating

- he waited for you to get comfortable under the covers then he turned out his light and got into bed with you

- the faint sound of the rain on the roof and the cars driving outside mixed with the comforting smell of his bedsheets created a very peaceful environment.

- he turned to face you and a small smile spread across his face

- "you're so beautiful" he whispered

- "you are one cheesy motherfucker"

- you were glad it was dark and he couldn't see the blush that was spread on your face. this was all still so new and every compliment he gave you made your heart dance.

- he put his elbow on the mattress between you and put his hand on your face, gently tracing circles on your jaw

- like little love sick puppies just laying there like 🥺 🥺

- he stopped moving his hand and let it grip the back of your head gently and brought it closer and gave you a gentle kiss

- "goodnight baby, i love you" he said before removing his hand from your face so you can get into a comfortable position to sleep in.

- "goodnight, i love you too"

- you turned and faced the other wall, hoping he would get the message and cuddle up behind you

- but his dumbass is oblivious

- "finn?"

- "yeah?"

- "can you spoon me?"

- "of course baby"

- he came up behind you and slowly snaked his hand up the front of your shirt so his hand was resting on your tummy.

- you could feel his breath hitting the back of your neck, it was such a soothing feeling and one you definitely wanted more of.

• • •

my mental health has been so bad lately, like shockingly bad, im so anxious i can hardly keep food down, i hardly have the energy to get out of bed and i keep crying over small things. please be patient with me and in the meantime please send in requests for future chapters.

- <3 amy

finn wolfhard preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now