prologue // zero

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"I need to teach you guys how to be RESPECTFUL!"

"I need to teach you guys how to be RESPECTFUL!"

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"OKAY, EVERYONE! Pay attention, Noi!" The boy looked over, blinking. "I'm posting an ad online... for a new roommate!" Asch narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean, prisoner?" "Weeeelll, I've just... made it known that I'm looking for another person to live with us!" Pierce stopped watching TV and looked at Ava in confusion. "Another person? But there's already six of us here?" "Wellll, I was thinking that since you guys are probably gonna stay her a while—and I'm gonna have to start taking you guys out when I go shopping—that I should have a roommate so that you all can practice being around people that... don't look like me—and how to not be rude when they're around!" Rhys tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean, Princess Ava? Don't all humans look... vaguely similar?" Ava laughed.

"Well, normally, yes. But, there are some certain people that are different. They might have wolf ears and a tail—or cat ears and a cat tail! Those are Werewolves and Meifwas. It's... really rude to stare at them—especially since things between them and us humans are kind of... iffy." Rhys's eyes shone. "Other types of humans? I didn't think that was possible...?" Ava laughed nervously. "Yeah... well, someone's already answered my slightly odd request! She's very nice, so I don't want any of you scaring or offending her! If you have any questions, I would really like for you to ask me—but, if you really think it over and decide it isn't something super offensive, then you can ask her!" Pierce nodded,

"Fine... so, when will she be here, prisoner—"

Knock knock knock!

"Oh—there she is!! Noi, go open the door for her!" Ava said, making sure to word everything very carefully.


Valorie sighed in worry, stepping off of the bus. 'Man... at first, I thought it was a little weird she specifically wanted a Meifwa or Werewolf roommate—but, I'm taking what I can get! I'm gonna be the best roommate on this whole dang planet!!' She cheered in her head, walking into the apartment building. She walked up  the stairs and gripped her bags tightly, glancing around anxiously. 'Hmm... I do wonder why she wanted to have a roommate like me specifically.... whatever! You can't judge someone until you actually meet them, so if she IS a mean person, I can always just move out!'

Valorie got up to the right floor and stared in worry at the door. "Okay... come on, Valorie. You can do this. Okay—" she reached out and knocked on the door twice, then pulled her hand back, her ears pinning back against her head. 'Ohh—what if her other roommates don't like me? She didn't specify how many there where, just that there was more than one... how big is her apartment—'

The door suddenly opened and she stared in surprise up at the boy in front of her. He was wearing fantasy-looking clothing, and he had.... horns? 'They must've been getting into cosplay...?'

"O-Oh! Hello! You must be... one of Ava's other roommates, right?" She asked kindly, her ears perking up. The boi stared in wonder at her ears, and she coughed uncomfortably. "Uh.... hello...?" She asked anxiously, waving a hand in front of his face.

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