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[it's kinda early but whatever I wanted to make this very badly fhyjhi7hukhkuhj]

"You guys are awesome!!"

"You guys are awesome!!"

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Valorie and Ava both stood on small ladders, putting up a string of red and green, softly flashing Christmas lights. After that, they set up a tree and hung golden colored candy canes from it, then silver bulbs and a long string of popcorn—along with tiny white lights. Valorie then looked back at the guys, who were all still sleeping.

Ava giggled. "Going back to Daemos really took a lot out of them..." she explained as they stored. Valorie nodded. "Yeah... seems pretty stressful, especially after they told us all those things about it." Ava laughed and reached into the small box of Christmas decorations, taking out a golden star. "Can you wake one of them up? I'm too short to reach the top..."

Valorie nodded and walked over to the guys, poking the horns of the white haired one. He quickly woke up, his face flushing red. "HEY!!" Valorie yelped and jumped back, almost tripping over the box. She regained her balance and blinked, her arms out. "We need help putting the star on the tree... because we're too short..." she explained, frowning. Leif raised a brown, stepping over and getting in her face to glare at her. "Don't touch my horns." He growled. Valorie's eyes went straight forwards and she glared back at him, pushing him away from her. "Get out of my face." He blinked before smiling like a maniac, nodding. "Alright, alright."

He turned to Ava and walked over, taking the star from her hand. "Why do you guys dress up trees..." He then looked around the apartment. "And your apartment..."

"Welll, it's for Christmas!" Ava cheered, smiling brightly. "It's a holiday to celebrate the birthday of someone super important in our religi—" "I know." Leif interrupted, putting the star on the tree. "We have the same holiday, and religion... but we just don't decorate for it. We just eat a lot of food... without the poorer people..." he explained, stepping back to look at the tree. "Oh.." Ava mumbled, nodding.

They all then sat in front of their new flatscreen TV (which Ava's parents had insisted on buying for them) and watched Socky The Sock Puppet, which just happened to be a Christmas Special.

Valorie laid down on her stomach as they watched it, hugging a pillow while her black tail wagged behind her. She was starting to get tired, so, she put her head onto the pillow and closed her eyes.

All of the sudden, she felt something touching her tail. Her eyes opened and she looked back to see Leif petting her tail as he watched, not paying attention to anything. She narrowed her eyes and growled, her tail wagging away from Leif. He looked down at her and blinked. "What?" "Stahp ittt!" She said, sitting up and laying on her back. Leif rolled his eyes and continued watching Socky while Valorie closed her eyes again to try to sleep.

She slowly drifted off, feeling Leif messing with her tail again, though she didn't have enough energy to yell at him. The second time she woke up, someone was poking her in the face.

Her eyes slowly over and she stared with squinted eyes up at the person poking her. "Ugh..... Noi..... What is it?" She asked, sitting up and yawning. "Everyone went out.... or something.. for the holiday, is what they said." Valorie blinked her sleepiness away. "Oh, they must be getting more decorations.... oh—OH NO! What time is it?!" She shrieked. Noi stood up and looked at the clock. "9:15am.... why, Prin—Ahem—why, Valorie?" He asked, tilting his head. "We have to go out to the store!!" The boy's eyes lit up and he smiled. "WHOO!! I'll go get my human clothes on!" He called back to her, hiding his horns with his newly regained magic.

Valorie ran into the wall-room, and then up the stairs. She threw open her door and closed it behind her, kicking her shoes out to the middle of the floor. She opened her sock drawer and took out a pair of mis-matched socks, quickly throwing on a black hoodie and ripped blue jeans. She quickly put everything on, then ran back out and into the living room, where Noi was just walking out. "Let's go!" Valorie exclaimed, grabbing her phone and then Noi's hand.

The two ran out the door and to the stairs, where they both slid down the railing. "W-Where are we going?!" Noi yelped, almost tripping over his feet. "We're going to the mall!!" Valorie said, pushing the glass doors open and slowing to a stop on the sidewalk.

The two caught their breath for a moment before dashing down the sidewalk, Noi barely being able to keep up with her wolf-like speed (since she was a werewolf). Once they made it to the huge building, they rushed inside, pushing through huge crowds of people. "Eep!! There's more people thanking though there'd be!!" Valorie exclaimed, pulling Noi along by the back of his (new) black hoodie.

She then pulled him forwards, and pushed him into one of the shops, making Noi panic and desperately help her into the shop as well. The two caught their breaths and narrowed their eyes at the outside of the quiet shop. "It's like an apocalypse.. but at least people in apocalypses are at least slightly civilized..." Valorie grunted, walking over to one of the walls, which displayed different stuffed animals.

"Hey Noi... what's the cutest animal you've seen here so far?" Valorie asked, looking through all of the animals. Noi thought for a moment before shuddering. "I don't know... but I do know the most terrifying one I've seen.... Ava called it a.... dog...."

Valorie turned her head and glared at Noi. "Excuse you?" She asked, her ears pointing forwards and her tail swaying slowly. It took Noi a moment before he gasped. "T-That's not what I meant!! I-I mean... other dogs—y-you're not... that terrifying?!" The boy panicked. Valorie laughed and shook her head. "It's fine, it's fine!" She reached up and picked an orange dog plushie up, reaching down to pick up a bag to set everything in.

A red t-Rex plush, a green kitten, a light blue bull, and a dark blue owl plush where also tossed into the bag. Valorie nodded to herself and skipped up to the cashier's desk, setting the bag on top of it and silently praying they where nice.

When they turned, she gasped. "May!!" "Oh my gosh!! Valorie?!" The blue-haired meifwa shrieked, her white cat ears and tail perked up in excitement. "My goodness! It's been forever!! How are you?!" Valorie asked, her tail wagging in excitement. "Oh, you know—pretty good—is that your boyfriend?" She asked, pointing to the guys standing behind them.

"W-wha—" "Yup!" Valorie's face lit up and she looked back at Noi in embarrassment. "Noi!! No! Ugghhhhh he's a jokester, don't mind him..." Valorie assured her friend, who was cackling. "Ohhh thank goodness! He's too cute for you!" She swooned, winking at Noi. His face lit up, and Valorie gasped. "You butt head!!" "Heheh, I'm just joking, hun!! But YOU!" The meifwa put her hand out towards him, clicking a pen in the other. Noi looked down at her hand before placing his own hand onto hers.

She quickly wrote down a string of numbers before letting go and giving him a thumbs up. "Call me, babe!" She said, ringing up everything in the small bag. Noi just stood there with swirls in his eyes—and if that was in an anime, he'd be steaming.

Valorie handed her a card before she finally got the bag back. "Okay—bye bye, now!" She called as the two walked out. Valorie smiled back at her. "I'll call you when I get home!! And i'looks make sure Noi calls you, too!" "Alright!! Bye bye Val, and you too Cutie!!!"

Once they where away from the shop, Valorie playfully punched Noi in the shoulder. "Jeez—just a few weeks back and you've already gotten flirted with! Meanwhile, I'm staying a single Pringle—but whatever!!" Noi was gripping at his chest, his face still red. "She was cute...." "Hell Yeah She was! And you know what?!" Noi looked over at her. "You two are gonna bond! I know it!!" The boy thought for a moment before smiling and nodding. "Yeah...!" "And you're gonna go on dates!" "Yeah!!" "And then you two are gonna make it official!!" "YEAH!!" Noi cheered, pumping a fist into the air. Some people around them laughed, seeing the excitement in his eyes.

"Okay... time to get some food, because i'm starving."

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