Hide N' Seek - SPIDER TOUCH! // ✨minigame ONE

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A/N; I'm probably gonna have these mini game chapters just to have a cute little filler in between every five posted chapters
(This is technically five, counting the prologue—)
Also, they're just like Jess's mini games—nothing that happens in the mini games is completely canon! (Maybe some specific things are, but dmsjksjs—)

"Okay okay, but like... this is super unfair."

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"Okay... Lorelai's coming over today, since she insisted—so everyone be on your best behavior! No magic talk! Asch, Leif, you two are banished! Hide in your weird room thing, I'll block it off—Noi, keep being cute!—Peirce, try to have some sort of conversation—and Rhys............ make sure Valorie doesn't punch anyone." "Heeeeyyy I'm not gonna punch anyone!" Valorie whined, crossing her arms.

Knock knock.

"Okay! That's probably her—" "I'LL GET IT!!" Valorie yelled, running to the door. She quickly opened it and was face-to-face with a brown haired, blue eyed girl, who was very clearly cosplaying Uwuraka(we don't got any copyright here, no-sir!) from My Hero Academy (once again—).

"Oh, are you Lorelai?" Valorie asked, her tail wagging. The girl glanced up at her fluffy ears and smiled. "Yup! Is Ava and her other hot roommates in there~?" She asked, peeking inside. Valorie stepped aside. "Actually, Asch and Leif are out... shopping! They're gone be back later tonight." "Oh, okay!"

Lorelai skipper inside, looking over at Ava. "Avaaa~! There you are!" She said, running up to the girl and hugging her tightly. Ava laughed nervously. "Heheheh, Yup!"

Valorie smiled and closed the door, then looked down at her bare foot as she started to walk towards them.


"SPIDEEERRRR!!!" Valorie shrieked, jumping into the kitchen and standing in the counter. Ava and Lorelai screamed, running to the couch and standing on it. "SOMEONE KILL IT!! IT TOUCHED MY FOOOTTTT!!!!" Valorie cried, her tail tucking between her legs. "EEEEEEEEEE—IT'S RUNNING TOWARDS MEEEE!!" She jumped over the divider between the kitchen and the living room, and landed on the couch. They watched the spider jump towards them menacingly, and they each jumped into a different Daemos's arms. Ava into Pierce's, Lorelai into Noi's, and Valorie—well, she didn't exactly jump into his arms. More like tackled him and then latched onto his back uncomfortably. "KILL IT!!" They screeched.

The guys all quickly stepped back as the spider began chasing them around the house.

—>beginning of mini-game

They all had little earpieces—and the spider had landed on Lorelai's leg, making Peirce drop her onto the ground in a panic. "SHE HAS THE SPIDER TOUCCHHH!! HIDE!" Lorelai sat there for a few moments as everyone scattered—though Valorie was running right behind Noi.

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