Oh. // two

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A/N; I'm so confused there's already 31 reads and it's only been like..... two days..... w0t?

"I don't think you're doing it right..."

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"Okay—grab a plate from this pile. And some silverware." Valorie said, grabbing her plate and silverware. "I'd say get a few napkins if you want, but you guys will definitely need napkins." She said, grabbing a few napkins. The two boys followed what she did, and she smiled at them. "Okay—now just get as much food as you think you can eat!" She said, getting a small steak and setting it on her plate. "And Leif—don't stab anyone or anything." She warned him once more, smiling playfully at him. He pouted and rolled his eyes as she laughed, getting some bacon as well. "I think that's all for me... I'll wait for you guys so you don't break anything and get kicked out." She said, walking over to stand behind the two boys.

They piled a lot of food onto their plates.

Leif tried to stab the glass and other people around him multiple times, but, Valorie just slowly pushed down the sickles.

"Okay Okay—I'm not usually one to judge at a buffet, but I think that's enough—I see how skinny you two are, and you cannot seriously eat all of that." She said, smiling nervously at the two. "That sounds like a challenge." Leif said, grabbing a fifth steak. "Leif..... Leif, no.... put the steak down...." he sat it on his tray and she groaned. "Okay, okay! Let's go!" She started to walk back to the booth, and the two boys quickly followed behind her.

Leif had gotten five steaks, two chicken legs, and entire freaking cake—what—he just left one slice—three slices of pizza, and some mashed potatoes. 'He's not really gonna try to eat that, is he??'

Noi just got three slices of pizza, a baked potato(the sour cream and shredded cheese where sneakily put on by Valorie, since she didn't want his first impression of baked potatoes to be bad), and two steaks. 'Not AS bad, but that's still a lot of food...' Valorie thought, sweat-dropping.

They sat down at the booth—

Ava and Valorie where sat on the sides—Ava in front of the werewolf girl—and Leif was sitting next to Valorie, Pierce was sitting next to Ava, Noi was sitting next to Leif, Rhys was next to Peirce, and Asch was next to Rhys. "Okay.. you guys are not going to eat all that." Ava commented, looking at Leif and Noi's plates. Meanwhile, Rhys, Peirce, and Asch has normal amounts of food. "I tried to control them..." Valorie mumbled defeatedly, watching them try to eat all of their food. "Didn't work."

Once she was finished with her steak, she suddenly realized she wasn't able to eat the bacon left on her plate. "Who wants the bacon—" Ava grabbed it with inhuman speed, and Valorie yelped. "Mine!"

They both laughed as the guys continued to eat—some more feral than others *cough cough Leif, Noi, and Asch cough cough*—but at least....

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