A sentimental Stove Talk. // seven

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[an angst and fluff hybrid? Ha, idk..... if you guys have any suggestions for future chapters—like things Valorie could teach the Daemos, either PM me or just comment


So.... enjoy this chapter! (Which made me cry while writing it, bc I'm an over emotional idiot) ;w;]

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Leif and Valorie grabbed everything they needed to make the cake. "Okay—Leif, can you give me two eggs?" Valorie asked, taking a mixing bowl out of one of the cupboards above the counters. Leif smiled and opened the egg carton—Then stabbed an egg.

"Leiiifff!! Noooo don't break it! Pick them up and hand them to me!" Valorie whined, setting the mixing bowl down. Leif groaned and picked two up, then handed them to Valorie, pouting. "Don't give me that look, mister! You knew what I meant!" She scolded, cracking the two eggs. "Alright—can you get me the big glass—... never mind, I'll get it—" "Hey, what's that supposed to mean, Pet?!" Leif exclaimed, crossing his arms. Valorie looked up at him, then narrowed her eyes. "You know what I'm implying." She growled back, also crossing her arms. They both leaned close to the other and growled, glaring at each other in the eyes.

"Stupid Pet." "Dumb Elf!" "Weakling!" "Troll!!" Leif sighed, frowning. "Fine." "Heheheh..." Valorie patted his head. "You know I didn't mean ittt~! Fine, you can get the glass cup! But if you break it, I'll cut you!" "And I'll stab you!" "Sure you will~!" "Ugghh!!"

He grabbed the measuring cup and handed it to Valorie. She smiled and filled it halfway with water, then poured it into the bowl with the now cracked eggs. She also filled it a quarter of the way with oil and poured that in, then dumped in the cake mix. "Leif, can you mix that until it's all smooth?" Valorie asked, handing him a wooden spoon. He nodded and stirred it quickly, an evil glint in his eyes.

"Leiiffff you're gonna get the batter everywhere!!" Valorie cried, grabbing his hands. She moved his hands to stir slowly, then looked up at him. He looked back and they both just stared at each other for a moment. Valorie looked away and let go, walking over to the sink. "Just stir slowly!" She yelled, washing her hands while her ears burned. Leif huffed and stirred normally while she finished washing her hands.

'Stupid Daemos...' she thought, turning off the sink and drying her hands. Valorie turned back around and walked back to his side, leaning over and looking into the bowl.

He smiled and flicked the spoon up, getting some batter on her nose. "EEP—!! Hey!!" She yelled, wiping the batter off of her nose. Leif laughed and continued stirring while Valorie wiped her nose off, flustered. "Okay—it looked fine, so—" she sprayed the cake pan with the no-stick baking spray, then picked up the bowl of cake batter, procuring it evenly into the pan. She opened the pre-heated oven and stuck the pan inside, then set the timer for 30 minutes. "Alright! Now we wait!" She said, happily putting her hands together.

Leif crouched down in front of the oven and stared into it, his face pressed against the glass. "Leif—don't put your face on the glass!" She yelled, pulling him away from it. He fell backwards and tried grabbing her arms for support, but she fell down too—and his head was not in her lap while both of their faces flushed red. "You idiot!! You pulled me down too!!" "It's not my fault you pulled me off of the glass!!" "Don't put your face against the glass!! I just washed that!!" He huffed and sat up, sitting in front of her and continuing to watch the cake while his ears burned.

Valorie sighed and stared up at his hair. "Hey, Leif." "What, Pet?" "Your hair looks fluffy." "It is."

She pouted and reached a hand out touch his hair. He looked back at her and she laid her hand on top of his head, messing with his hair. His face felt like it was on fire, but he huffed and continued staring at the oven while she messed with his hair.

"Hey Leif." "What, Pet?" He sighed. She paused for a moment, making sure she didn't touch his horns while she pet through his hair. "I'm glad you guys actually came back.." she put her hands back down into her lap and Leif turned around, looking at her with a confused gaze. "What do you mean, Pet??" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Well... it's almost been a month—I'm not usually this erm...." her face went a little red. "Touchy..... ya know.... I'm just..." she made weird gestures with her hands. "Scared? I... I don't want you guys to leave again. I hated every moment that I had to stayed with Ava's dads at their house so I didn't cry all day—i-it's not that they're unpleasant—... It just reminded me how scary the situation was—that I wasn't actually around you guys...... I'm really bad about being scared to be left alone or left behind—so people just have always avoided being friends with me because of how quickly I'll bond with them, and then get attached. I'm very clingy and..." she shrugged, not able to find any more words to describe how he felt. When she looked up and saw his concerned face, she laughed sadly.

"I know you all probably wouldn't—or maybe even couldn't—understand half of what I'm saying... you where raised to differently on Daemos—so harshly that you didn't have any time to even learn what affection or sympathy or any of that is! That's like... my main thing! It's just—I feel like if any of you ever get... very sad.... I won't be able to do anything—because you won't get the concept of what I'm doing, a-and—" her voice cracked and she looked down to her hands, tears pooling in her eyes.

"I don't want you guys to leave again.... in any way, shape, or form... I just want you guys to be happy—and I really want to protect you guys..." she pushed her black hair out of her face. "I don't know what I'll do when you all move out and get your own places... and jobs.... but at the same time, i can't wait!...... but I know a part of me will hate to see you guys being able to take care of yourselves and be alone... especially since I can't be without having a complete mental breakdown..." she laughed again, then shook her head. "Sorry... I'm babbling to someone who doesn't even understand what I'm saying—" she started to stand up, but Leif grabbed her hand, frowning up at her.

She stared down at him, her eyes widened.

"I.... ugh—I'm supposed to be the tough guy of the group—ya know, former assassin and all that—" he sighed, avoiding eye contact with her. "And... like you said, I don't understand close to half of what you're trying to say.." he stood up with her, then wrapped his arms around her. "But I know whatever you're talking about isn't making you happy.... and it's annoying to have a sad Prisoner / Pet...." he hugged her tight and Valorie's tears streamed down her cheeks, her tail slowly starting to wag lowly and her ears pinned back.

"Rhys said this was an.... affectionate gesture... that can make humans feel less sad." He muttered, putting his head awkwardly on top of hers, since he didn't know exactly what to do.

Valorie sobbed into his shoulder, gripping to his back like her life depended on it. 'They can understand—not fully, but my God... I'm so glad they can understand....' she shivered violently while she cried, hearing Ava rushing over to her. "Valorie—! What happened?!" She asked worriedly, putting a hand out to her friend. Leif looked over at Ava, looking slightly embarrassed from the not violent contact with another person. It made him feel... vulnerable. But in a good way?

"Pet just... got sad... she is going to be fine."

Valorie let out another sob.

"She is going to be fine."

Damn right, she is.

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