Movie Time // four

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"Fluff is the best."

Warning; smol fluff uwu but as f r e n s

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Warning; smol fluff uwu but as f r e n s

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"I would just like to say I am NOT excited." Valorie mumbled, wrapping herself up in her blanket again. Ava laughed and brought the laptop over to her, the Daemos boys all sitting around her on the floor. "Time for you to play a horror game!" She cheered, sitting next to Valorie.

"Hhhhhhhh—But I hate this stuuufff!" She whined, hesitantly pressing play. "What is a... horror game?" Peirce asked, tilting his head at Ava. "It's a cool game on the mini "magic box" that's designed to scare people!" "Why the heck would you humans want to do that??" Leif asked, narrowing his eyes at the screen.

"Oh my gosh guys it starts in an asylum holy—" everyone looked at the screen just as a pure white, humanoid creature with a large and gaping mouth jumped at the screen, roaring.

Valorie screamed and almost threw the computer across the room, quickly shutting it and covering her face with her hands. "Ejdjsodjks nooooooohohoooo.... I don't like iiiittttttt...." she whined, her ears flattening against her head. "What?! Why do you humans do this to yourselves?! That seems highly unpleasant!" Rhys cried, patting Valorie's back awkwardly. Noi panicked and tried to comfort Valorie as well as Ava cackled. "HA! The point is that it gets our blood pumping! It's exhilarating—like... for you guys—it's like if you where getting chased by a person—Er.. demon? that wanted to kill you—but you get away just in time—then you're super relieved and hyper, right?" Leif quickly nodded. "That feels very good."

"That's what she said.." Ava mumbled. "Hm—?" "Nothing! Anyways, that's basically what we humans feel when we play these games!" "Oh, now I get it." Peirce said, petting the gray cat purring in his lap. "Then... why is Pet Valorie finding this so unpleasant?"

Valorie narrowed her eyes, moving her hands away from her face. "Pet?!" "The man at the arcade called you our pet?" Leif said, tilting his head. The Werewolf girl tensed up for a moment, her ears pointing forwards defensively. "Well, yes, but—" Ava unattractively snorted, suddenly having a dirty joke pop into her head.

Valorie glared over at Ava, and she coughed, forcing herself to stop. "Okay okay—but, to answer your question—" "It's all a lie!" Valorie cried, falling backwards into her back and pointing the palms of her hands at the ceiling. Noi and Rhys leaned away from her so she didn't fall into their laps. "These things are terrifying and horrible, and you're just a weirdo!" She said, pointing at Ava. "You too!" She pointed at Leif, who just laughed and crossed his arms.

"I think you're just a weakling."

Valorie immediately sat up and glared at him, putting her fists onto the ground in front of her and leaning dangerously close to his face. "Is that a challenge?" He tensed up for a moment, staring at her, before nodding and forcing a nervous smile. 'This girl can really be intimidating when she'd trying to be...'

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