Missing?! // five

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"Hey....Where'd everyone go....?"

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Valorie yawned as she walked back into the apartment. She had been living there for about 3 weeks now, and she was super comfortable around everyone there.

Or... everyone who was there.

The apartment was completely empty, and no one was there. She knew that because there was no sound whatsoever.

'Maybe Rhys and Peirce are here, though?' She walked over to the living room, then went through the wall into their huge magic part of the apartment.

"RHYYYSSS??? PEIRCE???" Valorie listened for a moment, her ears twitching at the sound of flowing water. 'Where is everyone...'

She thought it was weird the door was unlocked (and slightly open?) though she didn't think Ava had texted her they where going to be out... she knew she had a key, so Ava would've locked it on her way out. AND she would've left at least one of them there, because she knew how overly anxious Valorie got when nobody was there.

The Werewolf looked down at her phone, and only saw she had a voicemail from Ava. 'Ah, there! She must be telling me that—'

"You guys... is that true...?" Silence... "You've been using me and Valorie this entire time?!?!"

Valorie's tail tucked between her legs. 'What?!'

"Heheh... see? They're Daemos! They could never care about any humans..."

"What the..."

The voicemail cut off there, and she came to the conclusion Rhys Peirce, or Ava must've secretly recorded it. 'Who was that guy... are they in danger?!?! Wait a second—' she saw Ava's phone on the floor and ran over, picking it up. She stared down at it for a moment and quickly unlocked it, going through all of her photos to see if there where any weird pictures that may show who the man was.

'What's going on?!'

The first photo was probably exactly what she was looking for. The last photo taken was of a scruffy man with one eye Shut from a nasty looking scar—and he reminded Valorie of a Meifwa, somewhat. 'This is... this is too weird.' She dropped Ava's phone into her black hoodie's pocket and walked out of the apartment, then walked over to Mrs.Oates's door, knocking on it.

"Mrs.Oates?" She called, her voice shaking slightly. 'Oh God, what if they got killed or something.., the guy knew they where Daemos! What if they never come back?!'

The woman answered the door and gasped. "Valorie, sweetheart! You look absolutely pale—what's wrong?" She asked, putting a hand onto the poor girl's back. Her tail was still stuck between her legs. "I-I don't know where anyone is... there—the—the door was unlocked—and o-open—And—nobody's... n-nobody's in the apartment—Ava's phone—there—th-there was a photo of a man and—" "Oh, honey, please calm down! I'll call the police—this doesn't sound too good.." she mumbled the last part and shuffled over to her phone.

'Someone who knows about the guys got in... did they willingly go?! No, they would've told me!!... Unless they where planning to leave me the entire time? Or at least me and Ava...' she felt her heart in her throat as she kept staring down at the ground, shivering in fear and anxiousness.

'I feel so lonely.... where are you guys?!'

Mrs.Oates got off the phone. "Okay, hun—you go over to Ava's parent's home—I'm sure they'll let you sleep there—and yes, I know about your.... problem. I can't have another roommate, since my awful sister is here—" "HEY!" "—But, I'm sure they'll love to let you stay until everything is sorted out.... I'll get you something to eat before you leave."

Valorie sniffled and nodded, her mind still racing. 'Oh God, this feels like some kind of awful nightmare! Everything was so nice before—where is everyone?!'

Mrs.Oates came back with a little sandwich bag filled with peanut butter cookies. "Here you go, sweetie... their house isn't too far. Just—" "I-It's Okay... A-Ava... her phone... is-her phone I-is still here..." she mumbled, turning and walking away. "Thanks, M-Mrs.Oates..." "You're welcome sweetie... hope it's not too serious!"

A shiver went down Valorie's spine. 'Me too...'

She finally got back to Ava's phone and picked it up, scrolling through the contacts. There was one called "Dad", one called "Pops", and one called "Lorelai".

'Ah... I'll call "Dad", I guess.'

Someone picked up. "Honey bear! I didn't think you'd call this early!" "We miss you, honey!" Another voice cheered in the background. Valorie's breath hitched and she felt tears well up in her eyes. "Th-This is... A-Ava's pa-parents...?" She asked shakily, sitting on the couch. "Huh? Yes? Valorie, is that you? Are you alright?"

"I—I can't find—I can't find Ava o-or the guys.... Th—the police are showing up—I-I'm Sorry—I wasn't here and I-I didn't—"

"What?! She's missing?!"

Valorie stopped talking as tears started falling down her face. "Please.... p-please... just... c-come—pick me—pick me up from the apartment building—please, I—" "It's alright! We'll be there!" The line went dead and Valorie put down Ava's phone, shaking with sobs.

'Where are they... this isn't normal—they should've said something if they where going somewhere?!'

She hadn't realized until now that Ava and the boys where the only friends she'd had in a long time—and her parents lived all the way across the country!

She was completely alone in this, aside from Ava's parents, and—

She yelped when something soft jumped into her lap and began licking the tears off of her face. She looked down and saw Ava's cat, Johnny, attempting to comfort her.

Valorie jus cried harder and hugged the cat, her ears pinned back. "J-Johnny... you a-adorable little idiot..." she choked out, hiccuping. 'At least Johnny's here.... I need to pack up...'


The drive in Ava's dad's car was silent. Johnny was asleep on Valorie's lap as tears streamed down her face, though she wasn't making any noise. She was just staring out the window.

Ava's Pop looked back, smiling sadly at Valorie. "Hey, Val.... uh... listen, they might've just gone out somewhere?" That sounded more like him trying to reassure himself. Valorie nodded. "M-Maybe... but... they would've told me. They....." She sniffled, petting Johnny's back as he slowly started to wake up. "They know how I get..."

'I'm gonna find those idiots, and once I do, I'm gonna punch them all in the face!' She thought angrily, pulling her knees up to her chest and hugging Johnny, who licked her face.

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