An emotional rollercoaster // six

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A/N; wtf 300 reads already?
I didn't even get this on my other account from a while back (which had 143 followers) so what kind of sorcery—

"Have you seen these idiots?"

"Have you seen these idiots?"

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"Thank you... so much, again, for letting me stay here..." Valorie said, hugging Johnny and her bag close to her. "You're welcome... it's only been 3 weeks, and you're willing to go back?" The girl nodded while Johnny purred, slicking her hand while she scratched behind his ear. "I can't just run away from there... it... won't be easy for me to live there alone, but I'll be okay.." she said, not meeting his eyes.

"Alright.... well, good luck, Valorie." "Thank you, sir." She nodded and turned, stepping out of the car and walking up to the apartment building. "Okay, Johnny... you're gonna be keeping me company until Ava and the guys get back, Okay?" 'If they come back.' Johnny meowed, and the two of them went into the building, went up the stairs, then entered the room.

She took in a breath and looked around at all of the familiar furniture, her tail still permanently stuck between her legs. "Okay... this isn't too bad." She closed the door behind her and sat Johnny on the ground, then sat her bags down. 'Maybe I should ask around...' she picked up Ava's and her own phone from her bag and looked down at Ava's small, grey cat. "I'm gonna go out, Johnny. Don't break anything while I'm gone."


Valorie walked down the side walk, then saw someone who she remembered as Lorelai. "Lorelai!" She called out, jogging over to Ava's friend. The brunette turned and smiled sadly at the girl. "Hey, Valorie.... how've you been?" "Erm... better... anyways—have you seen any sign of Ava or the guys?" The girl shook her head, a guilty look on her face. "No.... I'm sorry..." "Oh... okay... would you mind coming with me to ask around?" "Yeah, sure."

The two continued down the street, asking if they'd seen anyone—but nobody had.

That was until—

"P-Princess Ava—where do you think she's gone?" "Pet should've just waited for us—" "I-I don't know guys—I'm starting to get a little worried too—" "We just need to be calm and rational about this—"

Valorie's heart kept into her throat and she looked around the crowd frantically. Lorelai turned and raised a brow at her. "What? Did you hear something—" "I heard them—and Ava—" She said, looking around with wide eyes. The fur on her tail stood on end, and she saw something green walk past two people talking next to her.

"Leif—!" She called, pushing between the two. She didn't see them anymore. "What the... sorry, sorry!" She began pushing through people when she saw someone with a blue "cosplay" on. "Rhys—!" She yelled, suddenly coming out of the hoard of people. Valorie looked around and didn't see anyone.

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