A/N ; one-shot book?!

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I just would like to inform you that I'm going to be making a "one-shot" book!
I'll still be doing mini games, though, so those aren't going anywhere...
But the book with have

and xVALORIE[bc she's my bby and I love writing stuff for her ;;ww;;]

But no Lemons / Limes / Smut or anything like that.... the most you'll probably get is just really intimate / cute kissing scenes and stuff, or maybe some nod to the fact something happened..
So... if you wanna request something for it, I'll update this post once it's made so you know what it's called—
Also!! It'll be a mix with an "Imagines" book, too!! Since those are really cool!
It'll be including all of the canon characters, and my wonderful bby Valorie.

I'm sure very few people are actually going to read it, but whatever! I already know I'll have fun writing it!

And.... yeah!
That's it!


Edit; the name of the one-shot book is *My Inner Demons!! — [Oneshots / Imagines] , so if you want to, go check it out, and maybe leave a suggestion for a one-shot in the respectable place there!!
Aight, SEEYA for real this time!

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