Spiders // three

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A/N; don't forget to like and comment on this book, since otherwise I can't tell if you're liking it or laughing at it!!
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"Vines don't solve many problems.... but it does solve this."

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"Well, I'd say it's been a very eventful day," Valorie started, staring up at the Daemos with light blue horns staring down at her. "Sooooo I'm gonna get to bed—" "No." Peirce said, still holding her. "Oh my—we've been sitting here for three hours though—" "Shhhh—we're watching Socky!" Asch hissed, glaring down at her. She glared back, then sighed, her tail starting to wag when she suddenly got an idea.

'Hmmm... they'll take everything I say literally....'

"Okay, so uh.... you guys know how Ava said that all women where basically princesses and queens, right?" She whispered to Peirce, who was still watching Socky. He nodded, and she continued, hiding a smile. "Welll.... all female humans have one special ability that they use to protect themselves or others.... mine is sapping people's energy.

I'm stealing your energy right now, Peirce."

Peirce yelped and stood up quickly, dropping her onto the ground. Valorie yelped and scrambled up to her feet, running for the red-crayon outlined entrance. "Get her—she tried to steal my energy—?!" Peirce yelped, terrified. Leif tried to grab her, but she jumped through, stumbling forwards and falling onto the ground.

She got onto her feet again and ran for the stairs, hearing them all run in behind her. "CRAP IT WAS JUST A LIE AAAAAAAAAAA—!!" She screamed, getting to the top of the stairs just as Leif grabbed her. "WAIT NO NO NO NO DO NOT KILL ME I SWEAR—"

"Silence, traitor!" She closed her mouth and blinked up at him. 'Oh, right—' "Waiiiit a minute...."

'Remember... Vines will always save you!'

"Who are you?" She asked, narrowing her eyes in fake confusion. Leif stared down at her, then suddenly dropped her, making her fall to her knees. "Uhhhhh guys.... something's wrong with the prisoner!" Leif yelled down the stairs, not taking his eyes off of her as she stood up shakily. "Goodness gracious my knees!!" She groaned, rubbing her knees in pain. 'Those are definitely gonna be bruised...'

"What?!" Asch yelled, summoning fire in his hand and pointing his palm towards Valorie. She yelped and fell backwards, her ears pressing back against her head. "She doesn't remember us!" He said. Peirce narrowed his eyes and Rhys just sighed, already knowing exactly what happened. 'I'll tell them if this gets too out of hand...'

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