Truth Or Dare - TOO PURE ;w; // ✨minigame TWO

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[oop... it's a second mini game!

Mini games themselves(just so you know) are basically like mini one-shots—as a break from some of the drama stuff for you to have some cute bonding time between Valorie and the bois™️ without it being canon, so I can do various ships between her and said bois because I already have someone in mind, but the other ships are cut too.
So yeah.
Enjoy uwu]

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"Leif, Ava, Asch—we're the only ones in this apartment that are still awake! An achievement, really, since I love sleeping." Valorie joked, laughing lightly. "Sooo we should play a game!!" Ava gasped.

"I vote TrD." "What's.... T...r....D.....?" "Truth or Dare!" Valorie said excitedly, smiling at Asch. Leif sighed. "I've heard of this... isn't this the kind of stuff teenage humans play when they're in heat??" Ava snickered and Valorie's face lit up. "N-No!! That's not what the game is for!!... well, it can be for that, but that is absolutely NOT what we're doing!!" She exclaimed, covering her face with her hands. "Prisoner, why is Pet red?" "Are you dumb? It's called 'blushing', remember?" "What did you just call me—?!"

"Guys, guys!" Ava said, putting her hands over both of the boy's mouths. "We need to be at least more quiet than usual. We don't know how heavy of sleeper Peirce, Rhys, and Noi are, so we have to be considerate to their sleeping schedules!" She scolded. Ash shoved her hand off. "You can't order me around! You can't even use the magic you have—!" "That's just because we don't actively try, and you know that, mister!" The two glared at each other before Leif batted Ava's hand off of his mouth.

Valorie felt something fluffy and familiar hop into her lap, and she peeked between her fingers, seeing a gray cat meowing up at her. "Oh, hello Johnny~!" She cooed quietly, picking up the cat and nuzzling his nose. He meowed and licked the bridge of her nose, making her laugh while Leif just looked at her with a red face. 'Cute.... Hey, what?! More like that 'endearing' word Ava said! Stop it brain!!' Leif mentally scolded himself, looking away from Valorie with crossed arms.

She looked over at him with a confused expression before Johnny licked her nose again, making her giggle. "Heheheh—Stop it Johnnyyyy~!" She cooed, hugging the cat who just meowed in response and began purring.

Ava let out an "AWWWWW!!!" And quickly took out her phone to snap a picture of her.

minigame START!

Valorie looked up at Ava's Johnny resting on her right shoulder like a parrot. "I'll explain how the game works!!" "Go right ahead!" Ava said, leaning back and putting her arms behind her head.

The two boys looked to her expectantly. "Okay—So, basically, whoever goes first will look to whoever they choose and say your name, then ask "truth or dare?" TRUTH means they get to ask you a question! You have to answer TOTALLY truthfully, you two! Honor System! If you chicken out and don't want to answer it, then you can tap out of it—though, you'll get three points to your score!! We do NOT want points in this game! The less points, the higher on the scoreboard you are! Next is DARE. For a DARE, the person will tell you to do a certain thing, and you HAVE to do it! Again, you can tap out, but this time it'll only give you ONE point. Oh, by the way, you can only choose TRUTH once each round, which is every four people that go, because that one is way too easy, and we don't want everyone picking TRUTH the entire time!"

"Aaannnddd.... Ava, you go first!!" Valorie said, reaching up and scratching behind Johnny's ear. "Alright! Valorie, truth or dare?!" The girl thought for a moment, picking up Johnny and setting him in her lap. "Truth... I don't trust your judgement." Ava laughed and shook her head.

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