challenge accepted // one

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"Excuse me?!"

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The boy suddenly snapped out of it, his face going different shades of red. "Sorry—Sorry!" He moved aside and Valorie smiled, stepping inside. "It's alright..." she looked over and saw four other boys—with Ava smiling over at her. 'That's a lot of roommates.. whatever, I won't judge!'

"Hey Ava!" "Hi Valorie! Guys, this is Valorie!" Ava said, gesturing over to the werewolf, who smiled at all of them, showing off her sharp canines as her tail wagged behind her. They all stared at her in wonder, and she stopped smiling, looking back at them uncomfortably. "Uhh... so... where you guys.... getting into cosplay?" Ava blinked and looked at the boys, then suddenly had a look of panic on her face.

'I didn't even—why didn't I even try to figure out whether or not to tell her?! Whatever—she'll be living with us, so she should know!' "Well... not exactly. Uh... you might have to sit down."


Valorie stared at all of the guys in amazement. "So... you guys are... from a different world?" She asked. "Well, yes. I guess that's a simpler way of putting it—" "AND YOU'RE OUR NEW PRISONER!!" The boy with white horns—whose name she had learned was Asch—yelled. Her ears went back and she narrowed her eyes at him. "What?" "Nothing! Asch, stop yelling at her!" Ava yelled. Valorie winced from all of the yelling and looked over at Rhys. And then Noi.

And then the rest of them.

"Uh... I'm gonna go put my stuff... wherever... Ava, where do you want me to sleep—?" Ava gasped in surprise, looking at Rhys. "Oh my gosh—I didn't even... Rhys, do you guys have a bedroom in that weird thing you guys made?!" Valorie blinked owlishly. "Wha—" "Yes, we do."

"Would you mind if Valorie slept there?" Rhys shook his head. "Not at all. Since you've explained to us all women here are princesses and queens, she could sleep wherever she'd like." Valorie looked over at Ava in confusion. 'Just go with it' she mouthed. Valorie nodded and stood up. "Uh... where exactly is it?" "I'll show you. Please follow me, Princess Valorie." Valorie nodded and followed after Rhys—and then he walked through a wall.

"....What." "Just—trust me, there's a room on the other side." Ava said, scratching the nape of her neck. Valorie nodded, then carefully pushed through the wall—and was met with beautiful scenery. "Wow... it's really beautiful in here." She commented, quickly following after Rhys. He nodded. "Thank you. Your room is just up these stairs and to the left. I'll leave you to unpack—if you have any questions, please do ask. And I apologize for our rude staring." Valorie giggled. "Oh, no no! It's alright—you guys are from a different world, so I understand why you'd be so... fascinated?" She laughed once more before walking up the stairs.

Rhys stared after her for a moment before turning to walk back out. Valorie opened the pure white door and gasped in amazement. "Woah~! This room is amazing..!" She said quietly, walking inside. There where pillars circled around near the walls, and a bed with a white, fluffy blanket and three pillows. There was candles hanging off of the pillars with a bright blue light burning the wicks—and the floor looked to be marble. The walls where an off-white color, and everything seemed to sparkle.

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