Chapter 4

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Waking up, usually he hated it, it's where the same thoughts would overshadow his mind, torturing him throughout every waking moment. He'd rather deal with physical scars than the ones he had deep within, barely scratching the surface. Today was different, he had someone he could talk to and not feel so alone. Goku had agreed to stay over, after Vegeta had opened up about his abusive ex, Goku was reluctant to leave him alone.

Slowly he peeped over to see Goku asleep on the sofa, he felt a relief. Someone he not long met, seemed to bring great comfort, like a security blanket, he felt safe, warm, relaxed. Perhaps this buddy system was what he needed.Quietly his foot placed delicately on the floor each step as if to not stir him, he was startled as Goku quickly sat up as if he was on high alert.

"Did I wake you?" Vegeta looked over apologetically, he studied the bags under Goku's eyes, he hadn't slept well. Was it his fault?

"Nah, I didn't really sleep much." Goku yawned as his body pandiculate in reaction. He noticed Vegeta staring at the trash can filled with empty bottles, the look of regret rested on his face. "It's okay, we all fall backwards sometimes." Goku gave a nonchalant shrug, he moved the blanket off him noticing Vegeta was still stood, staring at the trash. It was as if he was in hope that the contents inside would miraculously vanish. "Maybe we should go out for breakfast?" Goku suggested in hope it would distract Vegeta.

He rose to his feet and gently he rested his hand on Vegeta's shoulder, he jumped back as Vegeta flinched glaring over at him. "Sorry, I-" Goku sighed looking at the empty bottles, he knows that scene oh so well. He snapped his wandering mind back to focusing on Vegeta. "I don't think staying here staring at the empty bottles is gonna help. Trust me."

Vegeta's glare softened seeing the sincerity on Goku's face. "Yeah." Vegeta lightly tapped the trash with his foot. "I suppose you are right." As he looked over at Goku their eyes locked for a short while, Vegeta felt himself smile he couldn't fight it back which caused his cheeks to glow red with warmth.

Goku coughed to break the tension as he went to grab his stuff. "You know, you don't have to stay here and feel alone, you can always just call me?" Goku smiled over as he put his coat on. He seen Vegeta smile a little and look away. "So? Shall we head out for something to eat?" Goku asked causing Vegeta to sigh before he headed to his room to get changed leaving Goku to look around the apartment.

He noticed some photographs stuck on the fridge, as he was about to study them he heard Vegeta walking back. He quickly stood by the sofa looking out the window, as he heard foot steps sounding closer, he looked over his shoulder and watched Vegeta put his coat on. They both gave a smile as they started to follow each other out.

Walking along the busy street Goku couldn't resist studying Vegeta's facial features as they continued to walk ahead. He could tell Vegeta was lost in his thoughts, something he knew all too well, that state where you lose yourself, lose track of time, before you know it you are in bed ready for the same vicious cycle the following day. He blushed quickly focusing on the path ahead as Vegeta gave him a side look from corner of his eye.

They approached a small cafe, they picked a breakfast roll with coffee to take out. The fresh air was helping to clear their minds, they didn't fancy sitting in a cramped built up area that would restrict their comfort. They walked towards the park and sat on one of the benches overlooking the small pond. There was a slight chill in the air, that was oh so refreshing as they inhaled the crispness of the cool air, exhaling the warm toxins from their body.

It was soothing, smells of fresh cut grass, and the pines from the trees awoken them. Finishing their rolls, taking sips of their coffee, Goku decided to break the silence. As nice as it was just having each others company, Goku was eager to find out more about Vegeta. "So, this ex of yours." he paused noticing Vegeta shuddered slightly, he sighed before continuing. "Why don't you just say no?"

Vegeta clicked his tongue, wanting to snap. He looked seeing Goku's genuine interest and concern. "Because, there's no point. It's what I'm used to anyway." Vegeta shrugged drinking rest of his coffee ignoring Goku's saddened expression.

"You know, you are worth more than you believe? You shouldn't allow someone like that to abuse you just because that was what you were used to." Goku put emphasis on the word 'were' which caused Vegeta to furrow his brows.

"Are you some sort of philosophical person? because that's the last kind of crap I need." Vegeta shook his head as he finished his coffee. He isn't used to having someone speak to him in such a caring way let alone mention his worth.

Goku sighed as he slowly pulled himself up from the bench, he noticed Vegeta looked at him with some curiosity, he smiled awaiting for Vegeta to start following him. Slowly they followed the path along the pond, occasional commuters rushed past them. "So, was that when you started your drinking?" Goku gulped in fear he was pushing too far.

Vegeta simply nodded, looking over at the pond it mirrored their reflection, so still, and calming.He looked back at Goku . "So, have you relapsed?" he observed Goku looking slightly uncomfortable. Vegeta stopped on his tracks folding his arms, he gave Goku a stern look. "I've opened up to you, it's your turn!"

Goku sighed he nodded with a half hearten smile. "Not long ago, but I found talking to others helped, hence why I joined that group. Seems to be different story for you though, I'm curious if you mostly relapse when your ex visits?" He watched as Vegeta scrunched up his face at him, before starting to walk ahead pulling his hood up.

Goku tried to catch up as he done so, Vegeta started to run off. Goku stopped, which he noticed Vegeta stopped in a distance looking back. He waited as Vegeta remained still before he slowly walked up to him.

Vegeta felt lump in his throat, sickness flooding in his system, he didn't know why he ran off the way he did. As Goku got closer to him he stepped backwards. "I'd like if you could stay the fuck out of my business!"

Goku knitted his brows together, realising he hit a nerve. "I'm sorry. I didn't think-"

"No shit, you didn't think!" Vegeta snapped looking away. "I'd like to be left alone for now."

"are you sure?" Goku asked studying the sadness on Vegeta's face, he sighed as Vegeta turned his back to him. "okay, well I'll be here if you need to talk."

Vegeta rolled his eyes as he proceed to walk ahead, no one had ever really questioned if his ex was the reason, the cause. He stopped thinking about it himself, he didn't really talk about it to others; yet Goku was already starting to suss out the root cause.

He glanced over his shoulder seeing Goku walking off opposite direction to him, his emotions were all over the place, and he was now worried he just pushed someone else out of his life. He felt his eyes starting to water, he fought back that pain, pushing it back, numbness started to flood in again, taking control of his thoughts and his feelings.

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