Chapter 6

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Waking up to the sound of breathing that isn't his own, he felt relaxed fixated on the warm breath that touched his skin. Slowly, he turned to face Goku who was slowly waking up, his breathing was slow and peaceful. Vegeta placed a hand on Goku's chest,feeling it slowly rise and fall, heart beating at a steady pace; he fixed his eyes on Goku's face. He watched Goku's eyes slowly flutter open, both eyes instantly connected, smile formed on their lips.

He felt an arm wrapped around him and pull him close, soft hand rubbing his arm; he felt his stomach flutter as it his body was pressed against Goku's. The touch made the room warmer, his future within it's walls seeming little less bleak. The hug of gentle arms that still gave the space to breath; changed to a stronger embrace, reassuring that his mind and soul are still with him.

The hug was a simple enough gesture of affection, perhaps a fragile beginning of love. The arms that held him were soft, yet strong. Feeling Goku's body pressed against his, soothed him more than expected.

Looking deeper into one another's eyes, there was a boost of self-confidence that left him feeling giddy, that feeling of being wanted. Soft tender lips touched his delicately, soft sweet sounds from their morning kiss, reminding just how much he needed this, the touches, the warmth, the overall comfort.

"How you feeling?" Goku asked, there was a genuine serenity in his tone.

Vegeta scrunched his brows up by this question, not something he'd heard often. "fine." was the simplest answer he could give. That word meant many things, it was something that sufficed when it was hard to put into words just how he felt. Seeing the concerned look form on Goku's face, the look he was growing accustomed to now, Vegeta sighed. "why do you ask?"

"Well-" Goku loosened their strong embrace, he stared deeply into Vegeta's eyes, hand gently brushed side of his cheek. "what we done last night, I don't want you to feel you had to do that to ensure I stayed with you."

Vegeta's eyes widened, he never even thought of it that way. He recalled Goku's look of concern last night asking if he was sure it was what he wanted. "Don't be so stupid, if I didn't want it we wouldn't of done it." Vegeta noticed Goku raise a brow at this, he let out a short sigh. "what?"

"Are you sure about that? because you allow your ex to take advantage of you, how do I know if you genuinely wanted it and not just what you felt was expected from you?" He studied Vegeta's doleful expression. "you know I wouldn't ever do something that you didn't feel comfortable with, you are in control of your own body."

Vegeta felt sickening feeling forming in his stomach, someone he barely knows had already cracked his barrier seeing his true emotions. He felt slightly uneasy seeing Goku keep his stare on him. "I know." he answered as he pulled himself away from their embrace, he was about to leave the bed till he felt a hand hold onto his.

"Please, don't shut me out again." Goku sighed he watched Vegeta glance over his shoulder at him before turning away from him again. "I care about you." he blurted, his cheeks went crimson as Vegeta turned to face him his mouth slightly open in shock. "sorry, I-" he was cut off with soft lips colliding against his.

"Don't ever feel-" Vegeta planted another kiss, more rough this time. "that you are a burden to me." they embraced into another hug, their kisses were rough yet sensual, their tongues invaded each other mouths, hands roamed each others soft naked bodies. This was something he so desperately craved, the reminder of what it was to feel again; when he was so accustomed to the numb, the cold, the darkness.

After a slow start to the morning, they got dressed and ventured outside, Goku wore the clothes he had on last night, bringing them out the dryer the warmth was comforting, especially as the weather had gone cold outside.

Walking through the crowded streets, didn't feel daunting since they were walking along side each other. Ambience of busy traffic and clacking of shoes on the pavements echoed the air above them, fumes from heavy traffic quilted the streets not that it bothered them.

As they approached the park again, a place they seemed to enjoy walking along together. Vegeta felt soft grasp of his hand, both exchanged looks, Goku looked a little nervous unsure if he was pushing his luck. Vegeta smiled, entwining his fingers with Goku's as they walked at a slow pace around the pond.

They chose to sit on the bench that overlooked the pond and perfectly green grass, with trees swaying in distance. It was peaceful, sitting in a park exhaling problems away, taking in that freshness, that helped clear their minds. Vegeta couldn't resist but gaze at Goku's face in awe, his heart palpitated, fluttering feeling deep in his stomach, as the palms of his hands felt sweaty.

Is this attraction? it felt like there was a magnet inside gravitating him towards this extraordinary feeling that captured his attention. The more he felt exposed to this new feeling, the more he was becoming addicted for that feeling. Was this a new placebo effect, for he felt warmth, his dark thoughts hadn't awoken it's sleepy head, he was so distracted on this new addiction.

Goku noticed Vegeta staring at him smiling, it caused him to smile in return. They scooted up closer, Goku wrapped his arm over Vegeta's shoulder. They both watched some people passing by, they'd start to joke around about that persons scenario it was a change from dwelling on their own problems.

After what felt like a lifetime together, was merely an hour, they started to walk back eating a burger that they bought from a stall close by. As they approached the entrance of the park, they both smiled half halfheartedly knowing they were going to walk opposite direction from here.

Vegeta stood still watching Goku walk away in the distance, he felt a part of him missing, what were these new feelings he hadn't experienced before, and why did it hurt so much seeing Goku walk away. It wasn't like he wasn't going to see him again. He sighed and proceeded to head back to his place, he noticed a text on his phone. He paused with a smirk as he read it.

I wanted to ask you out, but I figured I'd start by sending you a text.

Vegeta shook his head, he felt a tap on his shoulder that made him jump, he turned looking shocked to see Goku stood in front of him. Pair smiled pulling in for a deep kiss.

He wasn't sure what he was feeling, but one things for sure, he found a new addiction.

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