Chapter 13

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Stepping foot inside  to the wide hallway of the family home, the welcoming atmosphere enveloped him. He studied the walls where photographs of children, and family portraits were hung, the photos told a story, laughter, love and comfort. It unsettled him slightly, just how welcoming it felt, this wasn't a feeling he recalled ever experiencing. Warming spice aroma filled his nostrils as he continued to walk deeper inside, his body feeling relaxed. He glanced back at Goku who gave him a gentle nod reassuring him to keep walking ahead.

He felt a gentle grip on his shoulder as Goku stepped ahead and guided him to his bedroom. Vegeta looked around, the walls were practically bare, there was a photo frame sat on the bedside table. He walked up to study the photo, Goku stepped in front with a doleful expression, Vegeta glanced at the side seeing it was a photo of a woman he could only assume was of Goku's late mother.

Goku placed Vegeta's bag on the floor next to the bed, he leaned in so their lips so softly touched; Vegeta pulled him in his hands held back of Goku's head encouraging a more passionate kiss. Their lips parted so that their tongues could thrust inside, exploring the wet, warmth of each other's mouths. Vegeta could taste coffee that blending in from the stale alcohol from his own breath. It didn't seem to bother the pair as the tastes mingled. Goku's arms rubbed Vegeta's arms lovingly as he slowly broke from the kiss.

Their foreheads leaned against each other's, eyes deep in connection, hands softly brushing against each others cheeks. He could happily stay like this, this moment, this addiction that somehow impaled through the deep emotional scars, soothing them with love, affection, understanding.

"If you need anything let me know." Goku said in such a calming tone, that Vegeta could happily listen to lull him to sleep.

"You don't need to make this sort of fuss. I'm fine." Vegeta pulled back from their loving embrace, as natural as it felt, it also felt as though he didn't deserve such kindness.

"Because you were fine when I found you earlier?" Goku raised a brow as he said in a sarcastic tone,he studied Vegeta's downcast eyes and sighed. "look, you're staying here where I know you are safe."

Vegeta's head snapped up as he looked back at Goku, he clenched his fist, he's not used to this fuss. "I'm not a child!"

"I didn't say you were." Goku sighed,resting his hand on Vegeta's knee.

"Then why treat me like one?" Vegeta  moved Goku's hand off him as he looked down at the side.

"I'm sorry if I've come across that way." Goku sighed whilst rubbing back of his neck, lost for what else he could say. He smiled softly at Vegeta. "I'll leave you alone the now, just give me a shout if you need anything." He planted a kiss on Vegeta's forehead, he then walked out the room leaving Vegeta sat on the bed staring at the photo on the bed side.

Vegeta studied the photo, he smiled subconsciously as he could see the soft warming smile that Goku gave him, her eyes smiled with the whole rest of her face, so bright and warming. He went to place the frame down, till he noticed writing on the back with the following words:

'My beloved son Kakarot,
Don't cry for me, I'm not gone.
My soul is at rest, my heart lives on.
Light a candle for me to see, and hold on to my memory.
Save your tears, for I'm still here, by your side
Through the years.
I'm sorry I had to leave you three so soon.

Vegeta carefully placed the frame back on the table, a sudden feeling of sadness filled up inside. He was aware Goku had lost his mother, and a general idea how much impact it had caused. He felt guilt, so focused on his own problems, to even fully acknowledge Goku's.

He kept his stare on the photo, why was he feeling so sad all of the sudden. He didn't know this person as such, yet it hurt to see such kind hearted beings going through such ordeal. All the good people do leave us so soon, in a world full of hatred, these beings shone out through the darkness, reminding that life isn't so bad; yet life never was kind to these kind of beings.

Vegeta heard light tap at the door, he looked over seeing Goku's father walking in. He smiled slightly looking at the blank space next to Vegeta, he sat himself down as Vegeta scooted up looking at him nervously.

Bardock looked at the picture frame and back at Vegeta. He let out a sigh and folded his arms. "I know he won't say anything to you, but he genuinely cares for you. Since he's met you he's been a lot better, he hasn't touched alcohol nor mentioned of feeling suicidal. You are welcome to stay here for as long as you like."

Vegeta's eyes widened, shock had hit his system. "I-I didn't know he had felt..."  he bit his lip, not able to finished the sentence as he watched Bardock look to the floor with sadness.

"Yeah." Bardock sighed and looked back at Vegeta with a half hearted smile. "year his mother passed was rather difficult. Almost lost him as well, he doesn't like to open up about that you know? I wouldn't mention it to him the now, I'm sure he'll open up when timing is right." Bardock stood up as he heard Goku calling for him, he tapped Vegeta on the shoulder "Dinner is on, feel free to join us whenever." He smiled before leaving the room.

Vegeta sat furrowing his brows, all this kindness, support he has had for past few weeks made him realise he never had that from his own family. Something he so badly craved for, he was always pushed aside, an outsider, the black sheep of the family.

He sighed looking at his phone, he clicked his tongue before he went into his contacts and decided to call his father. After the way Bardock had approached him, he always wanted that sort of welcoming from his own father. He pressed his phone against his ear biting on his nail awaiting for his father to answer.

'Yes?!' A sharp harsh tone from the other end, causing Vegeta to sigh.

"Hello to you too." Vegeta looked back at the photo frame.

'What trouble you in now?!'

Vegeta scrunched his face up, he can't even call his dad without his dad assuming the worse. "What?"

'Well you only call me when you want something like money to drink your sorrows away, feeling sorry for yourself as per usual.'

"I just thought we could..."

'Could what? I'm not going to listen to you cry about how your life is unfair. It's your fault you got yourself in this mess, you are-'

Vegeta gritted his teeth as he cut in with the abrupt. "Fuck off!" He hung up and threw phone across the room. He looked back at the photo again, as tears formed in his eyes, that realisation that he'd never have that love and support from his family. He pulled his knees up to his chest, darkness, that cold dark feeling slowly crept up at him, dragging him back, telling him how worthless he truly is.

A gentle arm was felt wrapped around him, he turned his head to the side seeing Goku was now sat next to him. No words were needing to be said, Vegeta simply threw himself into Goku, wrapping his arms around him; he may not have that love from his father but least he had someone who did appreciate him for him and not give up on when he is being difficult.

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