Chapter 16

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Focused on a painting of a beach that hung on the wall, depicting a beautiful scenery of rolling waves on white smooth sand. His eyes slowly trailed towards the metal filings cabinet, voices of his boyfriend and the counsellor were muffled in the background. He had agreed to attend this appointment so long as Goku agreed to attend with him for support. Soon as they had walked into the room, Vegeta's eyes were down staring at the dull grey carpet that covered the whole room. He heard his name being called out, bringing his attention to the counsellor who was leaning towards him.

"Would you like to share with us, when this drinking problem had started?" The counsellor asked in such a calming tone. 

Vegeta's eyes focused on the blank white wall behind the counsellor, he tried to review the notes he had in his mind, he felt tension and anxiety build up inside him; as his mind was full of emptiness. He felt as though his throat was closing in on him, his heart racing, he couldn't understand why it was so difficult. His eyes trailed to Goku who could see the panic set in his eyes, Goku smiled reassuringly.

"I think it started when he dated his ex." Goku kept his eyes on Vegeta, he furrowed his brows as Vegeta shook his head and looked to the floor. "When he first had me over he was trying to strip me down and-"

"excuse me?!" Vegeta cut in with a stern look. No way would he try to force things on someone if they didn't want it. His leg started to twitch, he was getting uncomfortable.

"What I'm trying to say is, something happened to the point that you believe anyone trying to get close to you, is only after one thing."  Goku sighed as he could see the look of denial written on Vegeta's face. He looked back at the counsellor who made some notes before staring at Vegeta.

Vegeta scrunched his face up at his boyfriends words, he noticed the counsellor hadn't broke eye contact on him. He felt as though the walls were starting to close in , it was getting so hard to swallow his saliva, sweat forming, tension building up more.

"If you don't mind me asking, have you ever allowed others to take advantage of you?" the counsellor observed Vegeta's look of discomfort.

"I-I can't do this!" he rose from his seat and ran out the room in sheer panic, the counsellor was opening up old wounds that were too painful to him. He paced out the room unable to think clearly.

"hey." Goku stepped in front of Vegeta. "The counsellor is happy for you to continue, or you can go home and we can rearrange some other time?"

"I don't think I can do this." he folded his arms looking down at the ground.

"You can, maybe not now, but you can." Goku smiled resting his hands on Vegeta's shoulders and planting a kiss on his forehead.

"You know I'd never take advantage of you right?" he glanced up at his boyfriend feeling some guilt after he had mentioned that time he tried to sleep with him.

"I know that. I just don't want you to think that's all I care about." Goku stepped back by the door. "now, do you want to continue or do you want to try again when you feel more ready to?"

Vegeta paused, he could see such genuine care in Goku's face that easily calmed him. He let out a short puff of air as he felt himself calming down. "If it's okay with you, I'd rather go back in,on my own." he bit his lip unsure how Goku would react, he was a little surprised that Goku didn't question nor argue against it. Instead he opened the door for him to walk in before Goku took a seat in the waiting area. Staring at the dark wooden desk in front of him, he took a seat on one of the empty chairs facing the counsellor. "that question you asked-" he gulped. "I have because that's what I thought was expected of me."

"And how did you feel when you did those things?" the counsellor looked at Vegeta whilst holding onto a pen awaiting for Vegeta's response.

"nothing." he shrugged, he felt emptiness, he didn't care about his own feelings.

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