Chapter 9

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Vegeta felt contentment as Goku had wrapped him in a warm swaddle of his chest and arms. He didn't want to leave. When he was in his arms it felt as though all his pain melted away - mental and physical, mostly the depressing pain. If only he could find a way that he'd stay in these loving arms forever, safe from the worlds harmful people. He grew fond of these moments, the moments were they'd embrace a hug, a hug that spoke a thousand soothing words.

The hug was stronger than anything he'd ever known, as if Goku holding him wasn't quite enough, he had to feel every ounce that Vegeta is pressed into every ounce that is him. In that moment of feeling him so close, he is awake somehow, more alive than he has ever been in such a long time. There are times he'd feel fragile, yearning for that protection from the outside world.

In this precise moment that's how he felt, safe, protected in loving arms. He frowned as he felt that strong embrace slowly break away, soothing voice awoken him causing him to look up as the arms that were holding him tightly were rubbing his back gently.

"As much as I enjoy just laying here with you, I think we should do something more productive today." Goku smiled pulling Vegeta's face close to his, so they could feel their breath mingle coating their faces with slight warmth. "Perhaps go out for a bit for some fresh air?"

Vegeta scrunched his nose up at this. "Can't we just stay like this all day?"

"hm." Goku pulled Vegeta so their lips were touching ever so slightly. "as tempting as that is." he kissed Vegeta's lips so sweetly and lovingly before pulling his lips back. "I think some fresh air will do us both some good." He kissed Vegeta again, the sweet delicate lips turned rough and sensual threatening to pull away any second.

Goku felt Vegeta rest his hands side of his face as he deepened the kiss, not wanting it to end. A small whine escaped Vegeta's lips as Goku held him back breaking the kiss.

Vegeta sighed as he pulled back and slowly climbed out of bed as Goku sat himself up. "Fine." That word again, such a simple yet effective word that could mean many things.

"What's wrong?" Goku asked as he rose to his feet off the bed.

"Nothing." Vegeta grunted as he started to get himself changed.

A word that meant many things, yet hard to form a sentence what exactly was wrong. 'Nothing' was that go to word, the word to express such emotion that was hard to put into words. He felt arms wrap round him from behind, so comforting and loving. He smiled feeling soft lips kiss so delicately down the side of his neck, he leaned his head to the side to allow more access for the soft delicate kisses to travel.

He loved this affection, the feeling of being wanted, he craved for it every waking hour. These new sensations from the stimulation awakened every part of him, something that alcohol didn't even touch the surface of.

"I love you." Goku inhaled Vegeta's scent, burying his face into Vegeta's nape. Before slowly unwrapping his loving arms from Vegeta's waist, turning Vegeta to face him.

Eyes locked in deep in connection before their lips clashed into a fiery kiss. From barely knowing each other, to feeling completely comfortable in each others arms as if they've know each other for a long time. As much as they'd happily stay like this, entwined into each others bodies, they knew it wouldn't be practical. Slowly they broke from their fiery kiss of passion, to get themselves ready, eyes stayed connected to each other, smiling in between.


They had spent their afternoon at the local pier that was home to a permanent fun fair. The usual roller coaster, ghost train and the rigged arcade games. Waves crashing below as they walked hand in hand along the pier, aromas of salty breeze mingled in with fresh doughnuts and candy floss scents. A discordant medley of summer sounds, the train track thud-thud of stroller wheels over the wooden planks, and the cheery plodding melodies played out of crackling speakers from each ride, squeals and screams. The repetitive tinny music of arcade games call out from sheltered array of glowing, flashing machines. Smells of frying doughnuts permeates the sea air.

Their foot steps tapping along the wooden flooring beneath them, as sounds of waves continued to crash beneath them. It was refreshing, all these sounds, tastes and smells being activated all at once. New surroundings to the mundane streets with repetitive paths. Their fingers entwined as they stood looking over the edge of the pier, the sun kissed their skin, leaving a summer glow on their cheeks. They both looked at each other with a smile, a light squeeze on their hand to remind them that this was all real.

As they were about to press their lips together Goku heard his name being called out, he paused and looked over noticing a couple of his friends were stood opposite. He let go of Vegeta's hand as he rushed over the meet them, Vegeta reluctantly followed, he was pretty weary of new people, he surprised himself just how quick he grew close to Goku. For he would usually shut himself off.

Goku introduced Vegeta to his friend Bulma who was stood with couple of other women. Exchanged looks were made, and an awkward silence as they all walked back together. Vegeta kept his distance watching as Goku would chat away with his small group of friends, reminding Vegeta of something he once had but lost.

Stood outside the arcade, Vegeta leaned against a bin looking out towards the sea. He's vision was blocked by Goku stood in front of him offering him a doughnut. Vegeta shrugged as he grabbed one, he studied it for a bit before eating it. Goku noticed the discomfort Vegeta was displaying, he grabbed Vegeta by the arm and gently pulled him away from his friends.

"Everything okay?" Goku gave that look of concern, that Vegeta couldn't resist smiling at slightly

"Why'd you ask?" Vegeta looked over seeing group of people laughing amongst themselves before looking back at Goku.

"You just seem...I don't know...disconnected?" Goku shrugged.

"Yeah, this place is great and all, but it's just full of people, it really spoils the scenery." Vegeta smiled doing his best to hide the fact he was feeling alone again, which was weird considering he wasn't alone.

He wanted to rush back to his place and curl into a ball, he couldn't explain these emotions that set him on frequent highs and lows.

Goku studied Vegeta's expression, he kissed Vegeta on the forehead before he rushed over to his friends. Vegeta sighed at this, was he being pushed aside again? His doubts soon went away as he watched Goku rush back to him. "I've said my goodbyes, we can head back now. You can't put up that fake barrier with me, I know you secretly want to go back in comfort of your own four walls." Goku poked Vegeta's nose lightly before planting a kiss on Vegeta's lips.

Vegeta wrinkled his nose fighting back a smile, as they proceeded to head back to his place. Perhaps one day he will build more confidence to stay out longer, but for now he was comfortable sticking to surroundings he was used to, with the man he loved.

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