Chapter 10

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Laying in bed together Vegeta studied Goku's sleep state, he could see the pain set on Goku's face; he observed Goku's unsettled breathing. Something was disturbing him, his brows were furrowed, face grimaced as his body tossed and turned under the bedding. Like natural reaction, Vegeta placed his hand gently on top of Goku's chest,  to try to soothe whatever it was that bothered Goku's sleep. Sure enough, Goku's body relaxed under the light pressure of Vegeta's hand, his eyes slowly flickered opened he laid still allowing time for his eyesight to adjust.

He looked up at Vegeta who was hovered above him, he wiped the sweat that had formed on his brow as he slowly sat up looking at Vegeta. "Sorry." Goku said as he smiled pulling Vegeta in for a delicate kiss, as if to say he was okay, that there wasn't anything to worry about.

Vegeta knew this oh so well, he pulled back from the kiss as much as he was enjoying it,he was concerned;for it was mostly Goku looking out for him. He always seemed okay, no sign of unhappiness apart from deep within his eyes if connected long enough to see.

Whereas Vegeta would isolate himself, he'd notice Goku was polar opposite, he learned this from when Goku had first called him. Goku was the first to approach people, the first to ask if they are okay, the first to put others ahead of himself it seemed.

Vegeta let out a short sigh, he hated asking this, for he hated being asked this himself. "Want to talk about it?"

"It's just painful memories, happens sometimes." Goku smiled trying to shrug it off as if it wasn't anything important.

Vegeta sat next to Goku, he rested his chin on Goku's shoulder. "Those memories, they are the cause of the addiction?"

He wrapped his arm lovingly around Goku's back, whilst his free hand entwined with Goku's. He heard the short sigh from Goku, he kept his chin rested on Goku's shoulder whilst rubbing Goku's back with his hand. He knew not to push too much, for that never worked for him, just knowing someone was there to listen sufficed.

"Yeah-" Goku's voice trembled, he lightly squeezed on Vegeta's hand. "I'll be okay." a smile formed, though no emotion was shown behind it.

"The biggest lie ever told." Vegeta responded with a half smile, removing his arm from Goku's back.

Goku sighed. No matter how hard he tried to remain positive and move on in life. The past always crept up, the painful reminders of such failures clung so hard, pulling back as if attached to a bungee rope. Just as life would start hitting the high peak of hopefulness, that dark past pulls you back, almost suffocating, making you doubt your self worth. It's exhausting, painful, confusing, and leaves the mind full of such regrets.

Those mistakes you make in life, the mind maps it out, remaining permanently in the brain, usually to remind you to not make such mistake again. Then it collides pathways with those feelings that were felt at the time of said mistake, emotions flood in raw as if reliving it again, and again; a vicious cycle that feels no end to such punishment.

Physical torment sounds far more appeasing than this nightmare. Things such as alcohol, there's something about it, so comforting, it leaves a warming feeling travelling down your body, sip after sip, till your thoughts are silenced. The thought of it ignites messages in your brain, reminding you how good it made you feel, it tells you that you need it, for you can't think rationally  without the substance. Breaking that cycle is difficult, when you do , you feel in control; yet something slips, triggers those feelings and you are back to square one.

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