Chapter 5

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Sitting inside that building again, the strange place that gave him comfort, the normality that was now attached to his life.Inside the room with others who were going through their own battles with their head. No judgements here, they all pretty much had their own personal shit going on; all relaying on drink to numb their pain.

His heart beat echoed in back of his mind as he saw Goku walk in and sit opposite him, they done that thing again; their eyes locked. It had been a month since they walked alongside the pond, where Goku had started to work out the root cause of Vegeta's problem. It left him feeling uneasy, he never really had someone show such keen interest like that. They exchanged calls and texts, but that was as far as it went.

No matter how hard he tried to look away, his eyes would trail back to Goku's, slowly drowning into the dark abyss. Oblivious to what was going around them, it was as though they could see into each others souls of sadness, and it was somewhat comforting. Half hour had flown past, and here they were again held back with their counsellor.

"I noticed you both seemed heavily distracted during this session? how has the buddy system worked out for you both?" Casey rested his leg on his knee, twirling his pen between his fingers, he had a serene expression on his face, as he looked at both men.

Vegeta exchanged looks with Goku, surprisingly he hadn't relapsed recently. They both looked back at the counsellor. "It's been fine." Vegeta shrugged, Goku simply nodded alongside this statement.

"Well that's good isn't it?" Casey moved his leg down to the floor as he leaned forward smiling at the pair.

"I suppose." Vegeta shrugged again, he looked over at Goku that caused them both to blush and look away.

"Is there something you'd like to share?" Casey asked in curiosity as he observed the way they both kept glancing at each other.

He smiled as they looked at him shaking their heads, they were eager to leave, and he could see that. "I'm glad the system is working, if you feel you are both making progress with it, you don't really need to come here often. That's entirely up to you, I'm just going off based on what I've seen from you two so far. Well, I'll let you both think on it." Casey rose to his feet escorting them out the room.

Stepping foot outside, he looked over his shoulder seeing Goku pause looking back at him. He smiled titling his head to the side coaxing him to follow. The pair walked alongside each other, at a steady pace. No words were exchanged, mostly looks, they were eager to say something but not sure what; not wanting to come across as a burden.

They followed the pathway into the local park, seemed to be a favourite tranquil place for them. In sync, they both paused as they felt cold water droplets hit them, they let out a sigh smiling at each other. The rain started to hit any surfaces in it's contact, it was fierce yet refreshing. It brought out the richness to each hue, the browns deepen in a way that they found soothing, bringing steadiness to their soul.

The grass became glossy, reflecting the light, a new bright shine to their wands, softly waving in the breeze. Vegeta raised up his hand, tilting his face towards the sky, feeling the water and sunshine hit his skin. It was both warming, and refreshing. Goku observed the relaxed expression that awoken on Vegeta's face, his clothing now skin tight, showing his sculpted body. Vegeta looked over, again their eyes locked droplets ran down their face. "Just our luck, fucking rain." Vegeta smiled breaking that tension between them.

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