Chapter 17: A Fine Bottle of Atlantean Scotch

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As the Winter Solstice drew closer everyone made their preparations for the coming evacuation. Since Kendra woke from her coma she and Gremdar dedicated all their efforts to trying to ensure as smooth an evacuation as possible. Once the crystal was removed there would be a total of two hours before the entire city was below water. The removal would also open an emergency evacuation route- an magically sealed tunnel under the water to the Mainland. The tunnel was broken into two parts with the first tunnel letting out into a massive deserted island not far from the city. As long as everyone made it to this point before the two hour deadline they were fine- as the first tunnel would flood at that point.

Jade meanwhile was prepared for what she needed to do. The second dawn hit she was to remove the crystal and make her way back to the others. She insisted on being the one to remove the crystal as this was her choice and she wanted to bear the full weight of the decision.

Everyone knew that they would try to breach the city an hour before sunrise to give them time to reach the crystal but not long enough to give them a chance to dwindle their numbers. They knew that a brute force attack in a small window was the best key to victory for Xaug so they knew to be ready for that time.

As the clock struck midnight Jade found herself waiting in her temporary residence anxious about the impending battle. A knock at her door was accompanied by Kendra walking in with two glasses an a bottle of scotch.

"How about a drink for the birthday girl"Kendra said sitting down with Jade and placing the glasses down.

Jade couldn't believe she forgot about her birthday- she was so preoccupied with the preparations she forgot that the solstice was also her birthday. Kendra looked at the bottle in her hand, admiring it.

"When I first become a general Arda gave me this as a gift" she said, her voice full of nostalgia. "This is the last bottle of Atlantean Scotch she had left from the first order. I've been saving it for a special occasion. Since this is not only your Eighteenth birthday but the last day for the city of Atlantis I see no better time than now."

Kendra pulled the cork off and poured a small amount into her glass and Jade's. Kendra looked at her glass, Jade could feel her sense of sorrow.

"I'm sorry for making the decision to sink Atlantis without you" Jade said. "But-"

"Don't apologize" Kendra said, looking her in the eyes. "I would have made the same call." She exhaled a deep breath that seemed to carry her regrets. She removed her coat and ran her fingers over a scar she had running down her arm just above her wrist. Jade noticed an Identical one on the other arm. "I gave up so much for this city and I can't help but feel like I've wasted my time. Atlantis was the one thing I lived for- even more than the love of my life. I'm scared about living in a world without this city."

"General Kendra the Fearless is scared" Jade asked with a laugh.

"I'll tell you a secret" Kendra said looking up at her, "I was scared from the moment Galof stabbed me. That moment changed my life. I became this double agent who had everything riding on a single person I never met. The idea of waiting for the chosen one- despite being my best move- terrified me. I didn't know what kind of person would be the chosen one or how they would feel about me. I've done horrid things in the name of keeping people safe from Vex. Then that all changed.

"That night in Cresalda when Saje told me you were the chosen one I felt at peace for the first time since Galof held me in his arms with a loving embrace. In that one moment all of my doubts were erased. I don't think I ever felt hope like I did that night in my entire life. The whole reason I came to the mainland to help Saje find the chosen one was to ease my worries about my plan but you did more than that- you gave me the direction I sorely needed."

Kendra raised her glass, Jade following the motion to make a toast.

"To Hope" Kendra Declared, "And You Jade for giving it to me."

They both drank their glass, Jade savoring the flavor. Kendra corked the bottle back up and picked it back up. "I'll put this with the rest of the supplied we've stashed for the evac" She noted, "But this bottle is yours now."

She headed for the door but before leaving she said, without even turning to Jade, "I know that whatever happens today things will be fine, I will follow you to my dying breath Jade."

She threw her coat on and walked out the door.

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