Chapter 1: Lucifer's Domain

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As the sun set on a chilly autumn day a group of people were crossing the southern border of Hegasha. These people were Xaug, Syvix, and Galof. The reason they journeyed so far from home was because they sought help. They were going to see one of the most well known criminals the world had ever seen: Lucifer.

They approached a cave that gave off a menacing aura. Syvix lead the way inside, since he knew better than anyone where to go. Syvix, once the apprentice and right hand of Lucifer, now only sought revenge on him for his betrayal. Xaug followed closely behind Syvix, this was his idea after all. Xaug was following a prophecy telling of his rise to power but the recent encounters with the Chosen One has made him realize that he couldn't do this alone. Lucifer was their ticket into the City of Atlantis since his newest Right Hand was on the Atlantean Counsel. Galof, once a distinguished general of Atlantis, now only sought to work with Xaug and Syvix to change the world into one of everlasting peace. The idea of being face to face with Lucifer sickened him but it was their only way forward.

They passed a part of the cave surrounded by runes, these were there to keep Lucifer in his domain, a large network of various caverns made from the earth and magma. These were here as part of a deal he had made with Arda almost one thousand years ago. Lucifer had created a special kind of enchantment that utilizes contracts and deals to increase his own power. Breaking just one of these contracts would diminish his power significantly. He couldn't afford that as it was only by his sheer level of power and utilization of the dark arts that has allowed him to survive well past his years.

As they walked into one cavern they saw a figure sitting on a throne made of stone. His skin red as blood and his eyes a deep blue. Horns protruding from his head and his legs were hooves like a goat's. He stood up, his figure towering over them, as he stretched out a pair of bat wings and conjured a pitchfork in his hand.

"I'm surprised to see you here" The figure said in a cold and calculated voice. "To what do I owe the pleasure."

Xaug approached the figure. "Lucifer, I've come to make a deal."

Lucifer laughed at them. "What do you need from me so much you'd journey this far from home?"

"We need to get in Atlantis" Xaug said.

"What could you possibly offer me in return" He asked.

"As I'm sure you can tell some of the Dark One's aura lingers around Syvix. This remaining energy could be yours to use however you see fit."


Syvix walked up to him. "You can kill me, like you wanted all those years ago in exchange for his passage into the city."

Lucifer looked taken aback. He looked to Xaug, who was also shocked by Syvix's offer.

"There was once a time when you were willing to die for my cause" Lucifer said. "When the opportunity presented itself you ran."

"You were not the leader you once were" Syvix said staring him down. "I lost faith in your goal- but I stand behind Xaug's goal."

Lucifer chuckled to himself. "You always were one who believed in the bigger picture. A naive world with no war or violence, everyone kept in a state of peace."

"It's why I've kept living" Syvix said.

"Your request is denied" Lucifer said sitting back down.


"There may have been a time when I wanted you dead but that was to serve a purpose" Lucifer explained in a bored tone. "Your death is meaningless to me- you are meaningless to me."

The three of them turned around to leave when Lucifer tossed a red orb over to them. Galof caught the orb and looked it over.

"Arda used these to communicate over long distances" He noted.

"If anything comes up that you could help me with I'll let you know" Lucifer explained.

As they left they felt somewhat defeated. They didn't leave empty handed but they may as well have. What were they to do now?

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